Chapter five-a party of a lifetime, the phantom and the child with crow wings

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I sighed as I heard the footsteps become louder as the man grew nearer down to the bottom of the stairs. I immediately noticed the red silk robe as I sighed, "Here he is..the narcissist himself." I mumbled to myself as Hank looked at me with a face of confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out soon."

And soon enough Mark was now halfway down the stairs he was wearing his stupid fancy red silky robe that went all the way down to his lower thights. So the robe basically covered all of his body besides like his lower legs and he was wearing some dumb slippers. And under the robe he was wearing this like white turtleneck.

"Welcome, welcome one and all, my name is Markiplier" He said looking out and to everyone or well..mainly just me and Hank cause for some odd reason barely no one else was here. I rolled my eyes.

"We know that dumbass!" I said holding my glass of champagne in my right hand. Mark looked at me and gave me a cheeky smile, but I could tell he was slightly agitated at my choice of words because the smile was very forced.

Hank chuckled, " Kinda see how you said he's a narcissist" he whispered to me smirking.

I nodded as I continued to look at Mark with a smug grin on my lips. Mark took a breath and just avoided my eyes. "Thank you all for joining me on this auspicious evening. " He said, one of his hands leaning on the railing. "So good to be surrounded by such close and trusted friends." He said as he stopped walking down the stairs and smiled.

I noticed a certain female walk right next to me, she had brown short and curly hair. It wasn't like curly curly it was more off a fluffy and some hair being a mess haircut. She wore round silver glasses as well. They wore a yellow sweater and some jeans. I immediately smiled as I realized who the person standing next to me was. It was Phantom. To be honest I was definitely surprised that Mark actually invited his ex-wife. Her brown eyes were exactly the same when I last saw her. And the freckles that littered across her nose and cheeks never disappeared.

I hummed trying to grab the girl's attention and it worked, her eyes shifted slightly to the side looking over to see who had wanted to grab her attention. Her eyes widened when she was met with my smiling face. She returned the smile and I chuckled. She still had the same sharp teeth.

Mark seemed to notice the two of us smiling at each other. He let out a low scoff before going back to speaking, "Now this evening isn't all about the poker, It's not all about me." he said, gesturing to himself. I rolled my eyes. That's some bullshit if I've ever heard some. Phantom seemed to be thinking the same thing as me as she just rolled her eyes letting out a scoff. "And pigs fly." the girl muttered to themselves.

"It's about you." he said pointing right at me with a smile. I rolled my eyes, flipping him off with my free hand. He took an intake of breath ignoring my rude response. "So drink up and be merry! Life is for the living!" he said smiling.

"And who knows, I could be dead tomorrow." He said before laughing, I sighed at his words before I started to drink my champagne. Only a few moments after I finished drinking everything started to go in a blurr. I could barely remember what happened after I finished my drink, only snipping went by, like I remember the detective who I learned his name was Abe was wearing some white shirt with a gray vest and was wearing a red bandana. He was pointing at someone but I didn't know who. I remember Mark winning a game of poker. And everyone also played ping pong with cups. Then Mark one a stupid game of black jack and he threw his winnings at my face. Then I remember William loading his pistol, probably playing russian roulette, he had it pointed at his head and then he went to mark but it all went blurry when he did it on Mark..Damien seemed to be thost sober out of everyone but he was a little drunk. Hank was definitely drunk and he had passed out on the floor.

I do remember seeing a child peeking out from a door and watching everyone with worry and confusion.but the butler had seen them and ushered them back to their room. The main thing I noticed about the child was the odd black crow wings on their back and their pointy elf-looking ears. Maybe they were Phantoms kid who knows honestly.

Phantom was just watching everyone. I think I was way too drunk because I swear Phantom actually looked like..well a phantom! They had large bat wings that were folded behind their back and they had gray skin and bright neon eyes with no white outline and the outline was just black. They seemed unimpressed with everyone being so drunk. They also had this tail which was a turquoise color and dark green. It was swishing from side to side. Honestly she looked really normal. Like her hair looked the same but the thing that stood out was..her looking transparent and her looking like an actual phantom.

When phantom looked over to me she just smiled and held up a finger to her lips in a motion to say shhh. I was too drunk to really understand what she meant so I just nodded and walked around before I was met with a punch to the face by the drunk detective. I hit the ground groaning in pain. When someone actually noticed I was on the ground the person was Damien.
Damien had looked at me and he seemed worried and I think he picked me up and took me to my room and before I passed out I noticed that the time was, it was 1:30 am. And that's when everything else went blank. 

A long journey.. (Markiplier cinnimatic univrse x reader insert) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora