Chapter four Damien and the chef

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As Hank was just looking around in awe I looked around looking for an old friend and I found him. He looked so much more mature than the last time I had seen him. That being when he won the election and became mayor. I smiled as I walked towards the man. The cane that I had been using clicking the ground along with the sound of my boots bringing his attention away from the man he had been talking to over to me. "Ah! There you are old friend!" He had said his brown eyes gleaming with an emotion you could only tell was happiness.

I smiled at him and stopped walking. "It is nice to see you again Damien." I replied, giving him a closed eye smile and tilting my head slightly. Damien gave me one of his famous smiles and chuckled. "I was thinking you were never going to show up, why usually you are the first person to arrive at these kinds of parties or get togethers." Damien said, his voice hinting at a bit of worry in his tone.

I could tell he had been worried about me. I tried to reassure him. "I was alright Damien, I was just running behind on schedule. It took me a while to get dressed and I also had to deal with the pesky Jims trying to interview me right after I woke up." I replied, placing a hand on his shoulder patting him. He seemed to be some-what relieved that I had a reason for being so late to the party.

He nodded as he had both his hands situated on the top part of his cane. I smiled as he realized that I myself had also brought the cane. "You brought the other matching cane," He said, surprised. I nodded, chuckling. "I did. I was hoping you would notice." I said humming.
Damien smiled, I took in his appearance when there was just silence, he was wearing his black suit that he had worn when he was elected mayor. Under the vest-like suit that had covered his shoulders and had arm length sleeves of the suit was a white collared shirt. I realized a lot of people here are wearing collared white shirts? Huh a little odd but I wasn't complaining at all. He also had a white bow tie that was situated right under his neck connected to the shirt. He also had a white rose pin that was on the left side of his suit. Huh..maybe Celine gave it to him before he left for the party? I thought to myself. And of course you had his little mayor pin. It was black the words Mayor were written in white.

I chuckled, Phantom must have made him the little pin when he got home one night before the election. Cause it honestly feels like something Phantom would do. He was wearing black pants and his black shoes. I couldn't tell what the shoe's brand was so I didn't ask.He looked at me with a bit of concern in his eyes. Shit- I was probably zoning out while I was taking in his outfit- I looked at Damien chuckling, "Heh..sorry zoned out there." I said rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly

Damien's eyes of worry turned into an emotion of amusement. "Ah..of course, you were always the friend to zone out quite a lot, especially in our college days." He replied moving his hands slightly and having his cane in his left hand now. 

I groaned slightly in embarrassment at the memory. He wasn't wrong either. I would always fall asleep during classes, lunch, and even at parties that Mark had dragged me to. Damien just chuckled at my reaction to his words. He soon noticed Hank who was still looking around in the area he was in, his face was in awe.

"Y/n..who is that?" Damien asked, pointing over at Hank. I looked over and hummed. "Ah..that's Hank..he gave me a ride here then he also helped me get in..I may have forgotten my invitation in his car and he came back to give it to I let him be my plus one." I responded ,

Damien seemed a bit surprised that I had invited someone to be my plus one, when usually I don't invite anyone to join me at parties unless I know them very well. And Hank I just met only a few 30 minutes ago.

"Well that is quite surprising don't usually trust people that much to invite them to a get together party" Damien said holding his cane in his left hand. He seemed to be thinking but I couldn't place my finger on exactly what he was thinking about.

"Yeah I know, but hey, he saved my ass." I said chuckling.

Hank seemed to notice me and Damien looking over at him and he walked over.


I wheezed at Hanks just one worded sentence. I had to steady myself with the cane to make sure I didn't just fall right over. Damien seemed to chuckle at my laughter and Hank just seemed confused.

"What? The fuck did I say!?" Hank said

"Y/n has a very odd sense of humor. I guess your one worded sentence..was funny" Damien replied answering Hank's question as the two males just stared at me laughing my ass off.

After a few moments my laughter had finally died down and I adjusted my posture. "Sorry sorry, just found it funny." I said, giving one more small chuckle.

Damien just chuckled, "It's quite alright Y/n, oh right I forgot to tell you. How are you settling into your new office?" Damien asked, tilting his head at me inquisitively.

"Ah well I'm settling in just fine actually! I of course had to do some decorating but it was nothing I couldn't handle." I replied, smiling proudly. Damien nodded.

"That is great, I know it will definitely take some time getting used to, but there is no other person I would want to run this great city of ours with. "Damien replied, giving me a smile. I felt my cheeks slightly heat up. His smile was always adorable. It made me feel happy. 

Damien hummed as he looked over to the right, something had caught his attention, he looked back at me with his signature smile. "Well I'll see you at the table tonight old friend, and try not to rob me blind again! We'll catch up." Damien said before walking over to the right and going behind one of the walls. I was wondering where he went but I wouldn't question it for now.

"Bye Damien!' I called out as he walked away he waved at me before he had disappeared. I turned back to Hank, "well now you've met Damien." I replied, chuckling. Hank nodded. "He seemed pretty chill," He responded as he wasn't looking at me but his attention was near the dining area. "Hey wanna go see if the food is ready?" Hank asked, looking back over at me.

I shrugged and nodded, "Sure, I am getting slightly hungry anyway."

So me and Hank decided to head over to the dining room area. I was a few steps ahead of Hank when we reached the large dining room. The table looked nice and right above was a chandelier. I noticed a man with black curly hair and wearing a chef's hat standing right outside of the kitchen. That must be the chef! I thought to myself as I approached the male.

I was about to tap his shoulder before he looked at me and glared.  I slightly stumbled back a bit at how fast he had turned around and by the look on his face. He looked very angry. "If you're looking for horderves, you'll get them when they're good and ready. "He replied, glaring at me. I gulped nervously.

He then turned back around and started to walk back into the kitchen. But he immediately swiveled back around and held his ladle really close to my face. My eyes widened as I backed up more. "AND STAY OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" he yelled.

"Now now, let's not be rude to our guests" The butler said as he was walking by sending a harsh glare at the chef. The chef grumbled and turned away storming off into the kitchen to do gods knows what. I was still in shock at what had happened. Hank also seemed taken aback.

I took a few moments to recollect my thoughts and I walked away,  the butler holding a platter with glasses of champagne, or I think it was champagne. "So terribly sorry about that." The butler said, shaking his head, sighing before looking back at us. "Would you like champagne?" He asked.

I nodded. I wasn't really a champagne person but honestly I'm thirsty so I'll drink anything right now. The butler smiled and handed me one of the champagne glasses. When the butler looked over to Hank he shook his head. "Don't like champagne, so I'm good." he said looking at the butler.

The butler didn't say anything but just nodded, he then smiled at us, "enjoy your evening then." he said before walking away probably to go serve the other party members the champagne. I smiled as I looked at the light yellow and whitish drink. It really almost looked like the color beige. I knew it didn't have much alcohol, only like twelve percent, so I probably wouldn't get drunk from just one glass. But hey you never know. Mark could have drugged the dam drink.

As me and Hank were chatting to each other we could hear footsteps coming from upstairs, and they were heading down stairs. I sighed. Knowing exactly who those footsteps belonged to. It was the man of the hour. Markiplier..

A long journey.. (Markiplier cinnimatic univrse x reader insert) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon