Chapter 2- Chuuya

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Swearing, Mention of Death etc, Cringe

,,What is with him?" Atsushi confused asks. Dazai looks at him, his face looks now like he has seen a ghost.

,,Dazai? What's wrong now?" Kunikida asks. ,,I-I'm just a little go and get home-" Dazai has to see Chuuya. If he wants to save Yokohama and Chuuya himself, he has to get back at how they used to be, maybe even a bit closer.

,,Dazai, you can't go now! We need you later, there is another bomb in Yokohama!" Dazai looks at Kunikida, he remembers the day where almost the city was blown up by this bomb, he knows he isn't allowed to make himself suspicious but maybe he could just....

,, The bomb is at the xxxxxx street,  it's hidden in a car, it's a red car to be specific, it will blow up in like uhhhh 5 hours, you have to be careful, the people on the street aren't who they may look like to be, look for a man with weird glasses and who's bald, he is the one who will activate the bomb!"

Everyone even Ranpo is looking at him.

,,How do you know that, Dazai?!" Ranpo shocked asks,, not even I know that many details!"

,,No time to explain!" Was all he said before he opened the door and left the room.


Dazai is going straight in the directio  of the main base of the PM. He can't waist a singel second.


Dazai knows every singel thing about the main base, because most of it, he created.

There is a door where are no people who could see him, expect the person, he is searching for. When Chuuya joined the PM, Dazai told mori that his "office" or more like his room, cuz he has there a lot of furnitures that you normaly have in your house, not in your office.

They are no security guards because when you enter, through that door, there will be an alarm in Chuuyas office, that means, he is the one, protecting that door. Then when he is not in his office, a alarm in moris office goes on and he send some security guards there, but that barely happens because not many people now of this door.

In the past, they had a secret code, when Dazai wanted to visit Chuuya, it's not like Chuuya would let him in everytime, but sometimes, so he could turn of the alarm.

He knows that Chuuya would be in his office today, Wednesday is the day where he is never send on any missions, but he still has to do some work.

Dazai slowly walks to the door. Should he do their secret code? Dazai thjnks about, after a few minutes he decides to do it.

He knocks two times fast then three times slow, then he waits a few seconds and knocks one more time, during this he was....nervous? He doesn't know if he was really nervously but that doesnt matter, cuz after like after 30 seconds the door opened.

Chuuya stands infront of Dazai, Dazai looks in disbelief at him, Chuuya doesn't wear his hat or his normal clothes, he just wears a red hoodie and some jeans.

Dazai suddenly starts laughing.,,W-What are you wearing, hahaha...!" ,,S-Shut up you stupid mackerel!" Chuuya shouts at him and blushes because it's embarrassing for him when someone sees him like that.

,,Why are you even here?..."
,,Uhm...just to spend some time"
Chuuya looks in disbelief at him.
,,You, spending time, with me? ARE YOU STUPID OR ANYTHING?!"
Chuuya shouts at Dazai again, Dazai is just happy to hear his voice again, but he has to concentrate.

,,Yes, I am stupid and yes, i wanna spend time with my old partner, I one has to know...."
Chuuya looks at the ground.
,,What do you mean?"
,,Dazai, I know you don't do anything without a reson"

Dazai completely forgot that Chuuya would probably ask this.
,,Uhm, well I uhhhh....just missed you, all those uhh...m-moments and missions together, I feel like we uhm, maybe forgot how much we did together and also laughed or pranked each other and ....yea..."

Chuuya looks at Dazai now, his face red and tears rolling down his cheek, he quickly turned around and whipped his tears away.

,,Uh- Chuuya?- Are you alright" Dazai knew that those words would have an affect on him but thar he cries? He wouldn't have thought of that, ofcours Dazai only said that so Chuuya belives him, but, there is literally nothing, his only mission right now is to befriend with Chuuya and stop him from using corruption in 5 months.

Chuuya turns to him again.
,,Fine, I guess we can do
.....something together"

Dazai smiles at him, this time, it's a real one. ,,Thank you Chuuya!"
Chuuya looks at him, he actually really missed Dazai over the past years, but he was still upset about the fact thst Dazai left him, but...everyone deserves a second chance, right.

Chuuya also smiles at him.
,,That was easy" Dazai thought, now it can start.


A few minutes later they are in Chuuyas office.

,,Could it be that tou live here now?"
Chuuya looks at Dazai with an annoyed face.
,,Yea, got any problems with that?!"
Dazai knows he has to look to not say anything wrong, if he says or does only one wrong thing, he would fail.

,,Dazai...uhm...why did you left the PM..
It was because of Oda right?"
Chuuya asks, not facing Dazai's surprised and shocked face.

,,Would you have done the same for me, if i would have died because of corruption?"

Dazai looks at him. Why is Chuuya so emotional right now? Normally he wouldn't be like that, is it maybe the side of him, Chuuya never shows to anyone? That would be a good sign if it is but something is not as it seems to be.

,, I would even try to time travel to save you...."

Dazai then heard nothing anymore. Did he faint again? Did he say anything wrong again so this man would show up? No...there was Chuuya, standing right infront of him, with a knife holding on Dazais throat.

Dazai is just looking at him now, again with this emotionless expression ge had the past 4 years.

,,Who the fuck are you?! You are diffrent, still Dazai but definitely diffrent. Was that with the time travel maybe really the truth?!..."

Dazai was suprised that Chuuya would find out so easily.

Dazai nods, but then, out of nowhere, Dazai starts coughing so hard that he even spits blood, he feels like someone is choking him, he hears some sort of screaming but then he realizes that it was him, screaming out of pain, then he fainted.

As he opens up his eyes, he sees Chuuya sitting on the couch next to him.

,,You are awake....You were suddenly coughing and then you fainted"

,,Oh....Chuuya I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you..."

,,Couldn't tell me what?" He asks, looking confused at him.

,,When you hold a knife at my throat and-" Dazai realized that Chuuya could somehow not remember that part of their conversation. It's actually kind of good but also not.....


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