Chapter 4- Back into 2022

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Dazai opens the door to his apartment.
,,How am I back in 2026?!..." he says in disbelief.
Was it all a dream, no it can't, it was so real, the time he spend with Chuuya, even if it was just a few hours.

It can't be, what about his second chance, he wanted to save Yokohama but he can't when he's back in the future.

But if he really time travel, then how did it happen...
Was it some ability? No, Atsushi was near him when he traveled.

Suspicious is just the fact that Atsushi said that the time when you was "asleep", his hearbeat was getting slower and as soon as he had fallen asleep, back in 2022, he came back to 2026!

Maybe if he falls asleep now he'll be back, the only thing is, that when Atsuhi was right and his hearbeat was getting slower, he has to fall asleep in 2022, so his body won't die in 2026, because nobody knows what will happen if he dies in 2026.

,,I'll just have to try out! I think I will have, when I'm in 2022 again, only like 13 hours. Then I think my heart completely stops.... So after like 12 hours, i'll have to try to fall asleep because i don't know when I'm completely asleep. So I think I'll have to sleep to travel back to 2022!"

Dazai took off his shoes and jacket and put on some comfortable clothes. He lays down and closes his eyes in hope to wake up in 2022. Then after a few minutes he fell asleep


Dazai opens his eyes quick. Is he back in 2022?! Did it work?!

He stands up from his bed to look at his phone, which is on the tabel in the kitchen only to see that it's still 2026.

,,Was it...really just a dream....?"
Tears slowly start to run down his cheeks. ,,I...I thought....I could finally save Yokohama..."


,,Hey Atsushi,  do you know what's wrong with Dazai?"  Kunikida asks him while still tiping on his computer.

Atsushi looks at Dazai, who is just sitting there and staring out the window.

,,Well, yesterday he suddenly fainted and after a few minutes he was alright again and he even smiled again..."

Kunikida sighs.
,,Maybe he has just a bad day!" Kenji says while smiling at them.
,,Everybody has them and Dazai maybe a few more than we!"
Atsushi looks just at Kenji and then at Dazai again. He's worried about him, normally Dazai would just listen to some music, do some work and then go home.

Kenji walks up to Dazai.
,,Hey Dazai-san!"
Dazai just looks at him and then out of the window again.
,,Uhm...there is another bomb in Yokohama and because Ranpo isn't here today I thought you could tell us where it is! Just like a few years ago!"
Kenji looks smiling at him.

,,What?....I never di-"
Dazai looks at Kenji, shocked. But he only did it in that Dream, right?
Or did it....really happen?

Dazai gives him a smile.
,,Sorry Kenji-kun but I have to go!"
Dazai stands up and as soon as he wants to leave, Kunikida grabbed him by his arm.

,,What is it Kunikida-kun?"
Dazai looks confused at him.

,,Well, you are acting pretty strange recently, fainting, looking more depressed than you are and stuff like that."

,,More depressed? Oh~ Kunikida-kun ~ I don't know if it's supposed to be a compliment or not" Dazai says , fake tearing up.

Kunikida just looks shocked at him just as Atsushi and Yosano do.

,,Since when you act like that again-" Kunikida confused asks.

Dazai looks just with a smile at him and then leaves the Agency.

Maybe it's fate....|| Dazai x ChuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now