Chapter 11

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You could feel the morning sun on your skin as your eyes fluttered open to be greeted by a cool breeze falling in from the slightly opened window.

You slowly lifted your body from the cool mattress and unwrapped the sheets from your legs. Once your back was secured against the headboard, you quickly looked over to see Yana out cold on her bed.

"Well look who bought their ass home after making me worry..."

Considering she wasn't deeply asleep, she instantly stirred awake and glanced at you with low eyes through her messy hair strands. "Yugyeom kept me out hella late...sorry, I saw your messages."

You threw a pillow at her response which she failed to catch; leaving the pillow to collide with her face.

"Girl what the fuck were you thinking?! We are in a country we barely know anything about, and you insist to go out and not keep in contact with me!" With Yana being very stubborn, she rolls over with a deep huff.

"Yana! You don't know if he traffics women or is an ax murderer! You can't just leave without telling me where you're going. I wouldn't have cared if you'd at least left me a voice message..." She continued to lay sprawled on the bed pretending to be asleep. 

She playfully glances at you before standing to head to the bathroom. "I'll remember that next time, mom." You roll your eyes as you watch the bathroom door close.

You began picking out some clothes for today but were instantly interrupted by your phone ringing. It was an unknown number but clearly coming from within Korea.

"Hello?" It was silent for a second before an oddly familiar deep voice chimed in.

"Ah y/n, how are you this morning? Do you have any plans?" Your mind instantly went blank before answering the mystery male on the line.

"Yongguk? I'm glad to hear from you again...but how did you get my number?" You couldn't help but wonder how did he get your number? But instantly recalled Namjoon having your phone.

"The Prince of course gave it to me. As his advisor, I've been sent to your Hotel accommodations to receive you and bring you to the palace."

Your heart quickly sped up as you rushed to gather a somewhat put-together outfit and somehow get Yana out of the shower so you can get in ASAP.

"A-and when will you be here?"

The line went silent for a few seconds before the male speaks up once again.

"In about thirty minutes." Great...

You couldn't spare any more time and quickly hung up the phone. As for your outfit, you settled on a powder blue colored sundress and white square flats.

As if in queue, Yana walks out of the shower and you quickly brush past her and immediately went inside.



After a quick and much-needed shower, you quickly completed a light and natural makeup look and slid on your dress.  Your phone erupted with a few messages from Yongguk, signaling his arrival. You also noticed he was coming up to your room number.

"I could see my number, but how did he get my hotel as well?" Yanna hummed as she turned to you and paused her actions. You briefly explained your odd Prince occurrence...twice; along with a royal advisor following you around.

"And it's only been a few days..." Yana could only stare as you told your fairytale of a story as surprised as she was.

"You mean to tell me that you have love triangle affairs with royal men and I can't even get a regular guy?!" The girl dramatically closed her foundation before flopping to the ground.

Just then a knock signaled the male's arrival. You answered the door to be hit with an amazing scent of cologne.

There stood three tall men dressed in black suits; Yongguk being in the middle. "Are you prepared to meet with the prince?" Once his eyes were on you, a gummy smile plastered itself onto his face.

You nodded and gave a kind smile to the male...and his other two companions, before turning to Yana who was finishing up her routine as well.

Yongguk's gaze followed Yana as well before looking back to you. "Will your friend be joining you?" Yana spoke for you as she grabbed her essentials for the day.

"Not today, I have a brunch date!" The three men parted a path for the girl to leave before she turned again to speak. "Have fun babe! I'll text you when I'm back in the room...or in his..." She playfully smirked before heading to the elevator and ascending to the lobby.

While not fully comprehending what just happened, Yongguk turned to you once again before pulling your arm gently and guiding you through the hotel...with his assuming security behind him.

"Breakfast is being prepared at the palace and the garden is getting watered. We'll lend a change of clothes for the dinner tonight." Your head spun with each activity leaving the male's lips.

This will be a long day.



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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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