Chapter 3

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.."Y'know; Your not so bad looking...."






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You rolled over to Yana's harsh shaking and gave her the meanest look ever.

"Whaaaa?" "Girl, Look we about to land in ten!"

You squinted your eyes from the sunlight beaming through the windows. How the hell did you manage to sleep through a 17 hour flight?? You gathered your little bits of things and pushed them into the mini carry on.

You both hear the pilot's voice on the intercom. It was a smooth yet bumpy landing but you managed to pull yourself together before it was time to get all the way off. "Yana, where is that snacked out boy who was a seat from us?" She though for a second before looking around and pointed to a tall male who was obviously Korean and was very slender.

He was currently getting his luggage and caught a glimpse of both of you staring. Both of you quickly walked to the Korean airport doors to meet with the rest of the group you belonged with. "Well....You think he saw us?" 

You looked at Yana with the dumbest face ever. "What do you think he was looking at?" She stood dumbfounded and couldn't help but feel the heat on her face. He was cute, but she wondered if he had a friend who was available. It was the whole reason for the trip...

"Excuse me miss?"

There he was, Mr.Snack himself. His voice was deep and almost put you in a full trance. Maybe Yana was right....This trip could use a small man touch to it. But still, you had to be focused on what you came for!

Your thoughts were stopped by Yana smacking your back slightly. "Snap out of it.." She grabs your bags and moves off to the side for the handsome stranger to speak to you. If you weren't fresh off of the plane ride, He would've seen a whole new you.

"Yes?" He smiled a very gummy smile and ran his hand through his hair.


"I was just wondering if you ever been here to Korea?" You look at him with interest but caution; Can't be kidnapped on your trip.. 

"Yea, actually I came here with my friend in a program for travelers." He looked more excited to speak to you; Like a child who was just told to get candy from the store. "Cool, My name is Yongguk and I'm visiting family and will be here for some time. Is there a chance I could take you out for a night?"

You were dazed with his voice to even here what he'd asked you. It wasn't until he waved a hand in front of your face to catch your attention. "Uhh, Yea I'll be here let's exchange numbers!" You both quickly swapped numbers and finished up talking before the group collected everyone. "I'll text you later?" He smiled at you and you nodded a little too excitedly. "Of course!"

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