Chapter 4

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After the incident happened; Your body guard bows and gives several apologies to the prince before you. To be totally honest he was deadly handsome but more like a CEO Mafia Prince and not a person of Blue Bloods.

He snaps his fingers and waves his hands in your face for attention. You blink and try to walk away with the guard only to have your arm pulled. "Excuse me, I spoke to you commoner.." 

You quickly stop and look at the prince. "I think you have the wrong idea.." You try to sound as calm as possible. It's already bad that you have to be extra careful as a black person in Korea, But now your in front of a prince and acting out of pocket isn't good.

"What's your name commoner?" He grabs your arm tighter and tells the guard to leave you two alone in stern Korean. By the way he talks and shows his actions, You can tell he is a playboy prince that you see in those Dramas and Animes. 

He slowly started to give you his own tour through the palace....That is to lead you straight to his room. You knew where this was going and had to get out of this situation. This was supposed to be a vacation to better yourself,. Not to become somebody's one-night stand.

"Uhhhh, On second thought how about I go-" "Stay here!" He pulls you into his room and locks the door. His room wasn't bad looking but actually very clean in design. It doesn't look how it would look from the outside design. 

"You still haven't gave me a name commoner

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"You still haven't gave me a name commoner..."

You get up and try to walk towards the door only to be greeted with his hands on your waist." Is your name Y/N?" 

Your body start to feel sweaty and and you started to shake. How did he know? and how? He is literally on your back and breathing down your neck as if he's taunting you. You wanted to scream and run. It's as if he knew you were coming. But who would've told him about you?

He reaches in your pocket and pulls out your phone. You mentally curse yourself for even having it. "Now, How was Yongguk treating you at the airport?"






(Ya'll I'm sorry, This is bad but I wanted to update really bad so here it is. Next chapter will be 10x better)

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