Chapter 5

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What did Yongguk do to get you in this situation? You looked down at your feet then to the sides of your shoulders where Namjoon's hands sat proudly holding you in place. You couldn't walk past him and he was too strong to just push out of the way. 

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." You slowly try to reach up and move his hands to free yourself but again, He didn't budge. "Bullshit...Yongguk told me about you, He's my adviser and I trust him with everything. What is your business here?"

Your eyes harden at his statement. What the hell did he mean by that? "I assure you I have no idea what your talking about." He pushed your back further into the wall and moved one hand to your throat. You moved both hands to try and block him but no use; His left hand came and held them in place. "You came through a tour of the castle that wasn't a real tour." Your mouth fell open as you stared at the male. "This was a set up to see who would come in and steal from my home...This palace is over 500 years old who wouldn't want a piece of the great Seoul royalty?"

You struggle to look st him and undo your hands. This was a set up? It couldn't be. This whole thing was a lie and you fell into it. So this also meant that Yongguk had to have taken names and faces from the visitors. 

"Mr.Kim...-" You looked into his deep brown eyes with matching mono-lids. He was honestly very handsome and cared about his home; He wanted answers and since he ran into you he was suspicious. "I would never steal from your home, Honestly I just wanted to take a tour of the palace as part of my trip. I see that I'm not welcomed and will leave now."

His grip loosens and you grab your things to leave. As you open the door to leave you hear him call for you but you ignore it and speed out to the exit.

You speed walk past the others and leave the palace. You see the prince following after you and decide to quickly take the next bus to the hotel room.



The bus comes to a stop and you step off to begin your five minute walk to the hotel. You decided to wait and go look around Seoul for a bit. There was a small cafe nearby so you decided to go sit in for some time. 

You were still shaken up by what happened in the palace. You didn't know you were signing up to be watched for stealing; If you had known it was a set-up to catch criminals you would've stayed your ass home.

You picked up your phone and texted Yana about what happened at the palace. You could feel her laughing at you through the phone and teasing you about the situation. You wished your life was as easy as the princes. He could come and go as he pleased and never has to answer to anyone. He could visit as many places as he wanted and always would have money to support himself.

But then there's you, A "commoner" who just wanted to take a two week vacation to Seoul with barely any money and an annoying Job that hardly pays enough.

You take another sip of your iced caramel coffee and read through google articles.  You stay seated for another 15 minutes before seeing the Prince Namjoon walk through the door.






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