Chapter 7

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Namjoon shifts in his spot and looks at you with hard eyes. "I suppose you really have nothing to do with the setup at the palace.." His voice was serious but had sarcasm in his words.  You give him a look of regret while silently wishing you never opened the door. "I apologize for the mistake that happened a few hours ago and have a peace offering."

You sit up and give him your full attention. "I want to invite you to a palace gathering as my special guest." Your heart sped up after hearing this come from him. You always wanted to go to weddings, Galas, and big parties but a whole Kingdom Celebration is another story. "When is it?" He stands and lends a hand for you to stand up.

"Right now."

Next thing you know; your being dragged to a SUV with a prince and his guards in your pajamas. "Wait WAIT! I have to change DAMN!" He sits you in the vehicle and a guard sits next to you so know your in the middle. Two more get in the front and begins driving off to the function. 

"Are you trying to embarrass me or something?" You didn't have anything with you except for your phone and the Prince has that. 

"We'll be there shortly and I'll take care of the rest so just sit back and enjoy the ride.." He pulls out his phone and starts a conversation in Korean which you can't understand fluently. You wanted to cry from embarrassment and because you were scared. You haven't even been here for 24 hours and your already being kidnapped by a Prince who followed you damn near around the whole city. All you wanted to do was take a tour around the Palace and go out for lunch afterwards. BUT NO.

Sometimes you wish you had Yana's luck. She was able to get a whole date in just a few hours with no problem. Not to mention she's never really had a bad life so you don't know why she ran away from home.

The drive last in silence for another 30 minutes before you see the lights of the palace once more.  

Once Pull into the event you see all kinds or fancy and foreign cars that had celebrities and royals pouring out. You felt like you didn't belong there because you weren't a royal nor celebrity. He grabs your hand a sneaks you around the back without anyone seeing. 




Along With The Royals 🖤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang