Making dreams come true

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Bill's priorities changed. It wasn't about waiting for the game to start or the deal. He only wanted to make my dreams come true, change the future, and do all of that before I turned twelve. From five to twelve doesn't seem so close but to Bill it seemed like a short amount of time.

~Bill's full p.o.v~

As I made an effort to braid Lily's stubborn hair I spoke rather soft. More than usual.

"Why do you want me to braid your hair"

"I dunno. Well I thought that braids were easy to have for a whole day!"

"It certainly isn't easy to make......DONE! I think...?"

The braid looked weird and off. She hopped to the floor and looked at her reflection in a mirror. She examined it carefully then turned around "I LOVE IT!"

I boasted "for my first time doing this I wasn't to shabby huh?" I placed my hand on my chin and smiled.

She touched her crazy looking braid and played with it suddenly the braid fell apart and returned to her original style. "Darn..."

"Ah sorry"

"It's okay. I liked it while it was here so yeah..."

"So Lily whatcha wanna do"

She thought long and finally smiled "Well......... I've always wanted a pet platypus-"

"Ew those freaks of nature?!"

"Ha! Says the demon that lives in an alter reality and goes against every scientific explanation"

"Touche..." I hesitated a bit "b-b-but science doesn't explain them too!"

"Hmph" she smiled "I still want a platypus."

This kid. Honestly.

But whatever it takes....

"Fine." I sighed.

I could picture her laughing in triumph...

With a snap of my fingers we appeared in a lake plentiful with platypi.

"Pick the one you like the best then we'll leave..." I groaned. I didn't want to be here we could be doing something fun but... NO.

"Bill, don't you think your spoiling me?" Lily said looking up close and poking a few platypi

"Hmmmm," what an odd question coming from a child they normally wouldn't think that never the less complain. "Well, don't you like it?"

"I like it. Though you've been doing an awful lot for me... I just wanted to ask if you're feeling good or...?" She paused "I know my parents aren't doing well at their job but that doesn't mean you have to take their responsibility."


What should I say? Am I really taking their job? I might as well clear her memory, kidnap her, then tell her she's my daughter. What the heck Bill? What is life? What is the capital of Honduras? What is two plus two? What-


She carried a platypus in her hands.

"I like this one"

"Lily I just want your dreams to come true." And to change the future but ye.

"I know" she held my hand

"Your gonna wash that thing right?" I looked at her in disgust.

"What the platypus or my hand?"


"Hahahahaha! No."

Bill's little dollWhere stories live. Discover now