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We peered out the hotel door at the sea of people waiting for us to exit. They were everywhere, and there wasn't even a chance of security clearing a path to the bus.

"Well none of us are getting out of here anytime soon," Joy said.

Adam, the boys' manager sighed and approached the reception counter. "We're just wondering if there's some sort of back exit that we can use? It's just, there's no way we're getting out there," He said, pointing towards the main doors.

"Of course," The woman said. Luckily, she was American so we could understand each other easily. "If you follow me, there's one down here. Watch your step, these stairs are very steep."

We followed the woman down a maze of stairs and corridors while Adam phoned the bus driver to meet us at the door. After getting slightly lost and Michael tripping down the stairs a few times, we found the door where the bus was waiting for us.

"Straight out that door and onto the bus, got it? No stopping, straight on," Adam told us. We all nodded.

The door was opened and we rushed across the path and up the stairs just in time as herds of fans came flying down the street towards us. The doors closed and we were away, fans chasing the bus down the road.

Michael ran ahead of us all, racing along the bus to the bunks near the back.

"My bunk!" he shouted, "Bagsie this one!"

Michael had chosen the top bunk on the left. We all chuckled at him as he slung his bag up and clambered up after it, laying down and shutting his curtain, then peeking his head out again to grin at us all.

"These ones have charging sockets! Did the bus last year have them? I don't remember them," He barbled, before digging in his case and pulling out his charger, plugging it into his own personal socket and lying back, unlocking his phone excitedly.

Joy moved past us and took the other top bunk, leaving the two floor bunks and two middle bunks.

Luke shoved his way through me and Ashton and dumped his bag onto the middle bunk underneath Michael.

"I'm not going on the floor," He said, lying down and plugging in his phone too.

Ashton followed after and took the bunk underneath Joy, leaving the two bottom bunks for me and Calum.

Calum chucked his case down on the bunk under Ashton, leaving me the bunk under my brother.

"Calum! Be careful, there's actually things in there, and you better not break them,"Joy scolded. Calum sighed and picked up his bag very slowly and carefully, looking his mum in the eye as he lowered it very softly back on the bed. Joy raised her eyebrows and gave him 'the warning look'.

I sighed.

"Why am I even here?" I asked tiredly.

"Because your mum and dad are away on that Caribbean cruise, you know that, love. And besides, they're only away for a month so you can go home when they come back. I'm only staying for a week, I can't stand living on this bus but I need to get you lot sorted because if I didn't, you'd all be running wild already," Joy told me as she began folding her clothes and stacking them on her bed.

"Yeah but, I'm seventeen, why can't I just stay home," I huffed.

At this point everyone stopped. Michael, Luke, Ash, Joy and Calum all stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

"Sasha, did you actually just ask that question?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I'm nearly an adult now. I should be trusted," I defended as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"But you're not trusted, and the whole world knows why. Let me think of just one example... Oh yes, remember last year when mum and dad went to that wedding and I spent the night at Cal's? Remember when mum and dad came home the next day to find alcohol all over the carpets, a house full of passed out people and the barbecue at the bottom of the swimming pool?

"I don't recall," I said, which was partly true because I don't remember half of what happened that night.

"Exactly," Luke laughed. I stood with a scowl on my face and my arms still crossed, staring at him. "Honestly, Sash, just unpack your clothes and chill."

I reluctantly dropped my bag and shoved it with my foot onto the bottom bunk underneath Luke and whipped the white curtain shut, before turning and going to the kitchen. The boys chatted away as I made myself a cup of hot chocolate.

"Want anything, Joy?" I asked when she wandered through and sat down on the couch behind me.

"No, no, Sasha, love. I'm fine just now."

I made my hot chocolate and then raided the cupboards to find some biscuits. It didn't matter what, I just needed some sugar in me. I easily found some chocolate cookies and took four.

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