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I sat down at the pretty dressing table and looked over my makeup. I half-heartedly applied it, just making sure I looked presentable. Then I scraped my hair into a bun and pinned it in place, spraying it with hairspray and covering myself in perfume.

The day had been hard work since I opened my eyes. The room was a complete tip, my head was spinning, I looked like Shrek and to top it all off, there was spew all over the bathroom. Hopefully, it was mine and not one of the boys' because I cleaned it up.

I was meeting everyone at half ten downstairs for breakfast. It was twenty past. I checked myself one more time in the mirror before grabbing my phone and key card then heading downstairs. Everyone was already there, and luckily they all looked as bad as me. Apart from Joy. As I saw Calum, something about him flashed through my mind. I didn't remember much of the night before but I was trying to remember at least some of it. I remembered the club, being kicked out, coming back to the hotel and then watching the boys play Fifa, then things got muddled.

"Morning, love," Joy said as I sat down next to Luke. She did a double take. "Are you okay?"

I suddenly remembered that according to Calum's mum, I was fast asleep all night. I certainly didn't look like it.

"Me? I... didn't sleep very well last night," I bullshitted. The boys all gave me a look and I shrugged, mouthing what?

I ordered simple toast and butter with a glass of fresh orange. The boys ordered the same, apart from Ashton who ordered a Full English Breakfast. I think he drank the least.

Our breakfasts came quickly. Luke, Calum, Michael and I nibbled and sipped, not feeling exactly hungry. Ashton on the other hand, ate his whole plate. He only stopped once halfway through, and it was to complain that there was no Vegemite for his toast. We told him that there's no Vegemite in Italy and he grumbled before taking a bite of his plain buttered toast. Not much was said at the table, because no one wanted Joy to know anything of the night before. When we got back upstairs and she was out of earshot, everyone crowded into my room.

"What's that smell?" Luke said as soon as he walked in, a look of disgust on his face as he sniffed the air. Everyone else sniffed too.

"You were sick, weren't you?" Ashton said, immediately recognizing the sharp stench.

"No!" I exclaimed, giving him a look. If Luke knew I had so much to drink that I was sick, mum would be on the phone before you could blink.

"Yes you were!" He told me. Ashton obviously didn't process my warning glare and I sighed.

"Jeez, how much did you have to drink?" Michael said.

I gave him a tired look. "Too much," I said as I picked up the clothes on the floor. I found a black shirt in a pile, smelling of alcohol and way too big to fit me. "Who's is this?"

"That's mine," Calum said, surprised to see it. "I wondered where that was."

Suddenly, a flash of the previous night went through my mind. I remembered Calum in my room, laughing and dancing.

"Oh yeah," Ashton smiled, "we came in here last night at like, two am and the two of you were curled up on Sasha's bed, so we woke you up and Calum started muttering stuff and then he took his shirt off and ran off to his room."

Michael laughed. "That was when Sasha was sick! Remember you ran to the bathroom but you didn't get to the toilet in time and you were sick all over the floor!"

I remembered that bit. Sighing, I turned to Luke, who was trying to hold in a laugh. "On you go, phone mummy and tell her how bad I've been."

"Hey Sasha, if he does then show your mum this," Ashton said, holding out his phone. There was a picture of the five of us coming out of the club, the bouncer's hand on Luke's shoulder. It was obvious he had done something, and the rest of us were just following because we had to.

"Oh, God. It's all over Twitter, isn't it?" Luke said, grabbing his own phone and unlocking it. We watched his face as he scrolled through social media. "Show her them if you want, she's going to see them anyway." Luke let out a sigh and chucked his phone on the bed.

We all sniggered quietly, knowing Luke was absolutely shitting himself.

I cleared them all out after a few minutes. The four of them floated back to their rooms and I began making the bed when I saw Calum's chubby face at the door. "Can I come in?"

I took a deep breath, worried what he was going to say. "Sure, sit," I said, and Calum wandered in and sat backwards on the dressing table chair so he faced me.

"Why were we asleep together on your bed?" He asked after a little silence.

"I don't know, drunk people being drunk people, I guess," I said, sitting cross legged on the bed after it was made.

"I don't remember much, do you?"

"No...may-a little?" I said. Calum looked at me, waiting for me to explain. "I remember I came through here to get changed, and I remember you came through and sat here," I said, pointing to where I was sitting. "You were laughing and... dancing. And then you said something to me..."

Suddenly, an image flashed to my mind. The two of us were standing in the middle of the floor and we were very close, bodies touching. I laughed loudly and Calum whispered something. "What did you whisper to me? It was something I'm not allowed to tell Luke."

Calum bit the insides of his cheeks, trying not to smirk. "I, um... I said you were hot."

Suddenly I remembered that too.

"And then... we-"

"We kissed," I said. The whole episode came flooding back. The bum touching, the mouths, tongues, lips. But after that, there was no memory at all.

"Did we... um, do anything else?" He asked.

"I can't remember," I said slowly.

"So neither of us can remember anything after... you know. What if we did?" Calum said. We were both thinking the exact same thing. Neither of us knew what happened. We could of had sex, easily. It's very possible that we did. The possibility scared us. I took down my hair and combed it through with my fingers.

"I don't know, Calum. But if we did, or if we didn't, Luke cannot know. He would flip if he knew our lips even touched, let alone anything else. We need to make sure that no one finds out, the less people who know, the better," I said.

Calum nodded. "We were really drunk, Sash. Let's just promise, it won't happen again and we won't say anything else about it."

I agreed, knowing that would be the best idea. "No more said."

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