t h r e e

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I woke to the sound of the boys clambering out of their beds. I poked my blonde head out from the curtain and watched as they dragged themselves through to the kitchen where Joy was making pancakes. The smell hit me and I was up, reaching the kitchen before any of the four boys. I took a plate and stacked three pancakes on it, then added some chocolate sauce. Pancakes are my favorite food ever. I make them all the time at home, especially when Zoe is over. She is only really allowed one or two, but I always sneak her a few more with sugar sprinkled over the top. Luke sometimes makes pancakes if he's feeling domestic and they're pretty good, but not as good as mine.

The boys and Joy sat down with their plates when Adam came through from his part of the bus and sat down next to us.

"Pancake?" Joy offered. Adam agreed and put two on a clean plate.

"Right, boys. Plan for today. We're about forty five minutes away from the venue, so be ready. It won't be like yesterday, everyone knows we're coming so there's going to be a crowd. Joy, you know what you're doing, straight in, no stopping," He said and Joy nodded. "Sasha, will you be okay?"

"Yep, I'm way used to it. Walk, smile, wave, chat and sign a few, then in."

Adam nodded, confident we all knew the drill. "Sound check starts at three fifteen sharp, so you have an hour or two to yourselves about the place before that. At four thirty it's the VIP sound check, then it's the opening act's sound check at five thirty. You boys go into hair and makeup at eight, the room's just next door. Doors open at seven and Hey Violet are on at seven forty till eight twenty, then you're on at eight forty till about ten thirty, eleven-ish. Everyone got it so far?"

We all nodded and agreed, still munching away at Joy's pancakes.

"Okay, so we all know what we're doing. The bus will be waiting outside for you all when it ends, but I'll speak to you at the end about that. Just focus on today and tonight at the moment and I'll be back when we arrive."

We all took in the instructions for the day as Adam returned back to his section of the bus. He'll only be with us for a week and then he's away back home, so we'll have to work without him. Obviously we'll still have the rest of the crew with us, and they'll tell us all what to do and where to go at what times.

We wasted no time in getting ready, we only had twenty minutes. I wore a black leather skater skirt, a burgundy knitted sweater and my black heeled combat boots. I applied my makeup; foundation, eyebrows, mascara, liner, bronzer and a matching burgundy Mac lipstick. I was planning to curl my hair, but ran out of time and threw it up in a bun.

I was ready just in time. I knew we were close when I heard the screams, and I was right. I checked out of the window and saw one of the biggest crowds I'd ever seen in my life. A sea of people were just everywhere, at the venue doors, on the road, beside the bus, behind the bus, even in front of it. Security had to clear a pathway for the bus to get through, while we went 0.27951 mph. The boys, Joy and me held tightly onto our bags and braced ourselves. The bus eventually came to a stop about ten meters from the door.

"You know the drill," Adam said, and the doors were open. All anyone could hear was screaming. Screams, screams, screams. You didn't have a chance of hearing yourself think. However, we all stepped off the bus confidently. Joy walked friskily past us and into the arena, while the five of us walked slowly down either side of the small pathway cleared for us, saying hello and answering as many questions as we could. I met quite a few crying girls, some crying at the sight of the boys, some crying at the sight of me and some crying over the whole overwhelming experience. Luckily I took Spanish in school, because otherwise I wouldn't have a clue what they were saying and vice versa.

We all tried to speak to as many people as we could, but after a few minutes security came and escorted us inside. My ears were ringing once I was inside and the doors were closed and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Joy handed us a special card to tell the crew that we were authorized to be there and we followed the director to the dressing room.

Our room was way down in the depths of the place, but surprisingly near the stage. The venue director let us in the room and then left us alone, rushing along the corridor to somewhere else important he had to be.

"Look, a slushy machine!" Ashton said as he wandered over to the slush tanks in the corner of the room. "Anyone want one?"

"I'll have a blue one, Ash. They make my tongue go blue, and sometimes my teeth and lips too," Luke said excitedly.

"Yeah, just the best look for a concert, Smurf," I said. Luke stuck his tongue out at me as he took the cup from Ashton, spooning the cold ice into his mouth.

We all got one each. Calum got a red one, I got a blue one and Ashton's was mixed. Michael decided he didn't want the normal-sized cup, so he dug in his bag for his big water bottle, downed the water inside and gave it to Ash to fill with red slush. Ashton gave it to him full, and Michael sat on the couch sucking away on the bottle like a baby.

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