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The five of us got out of the car and joined the queue of people waiting to be let in. The line was quite long, but I could still see the front. I watched as two young girls, probably only about thirteen or fourteen reached the front. They flashed their 'IDs' and the bouncer only glanced before saying something to them in Italian. They put on puppy faces and said something back, pointing to the IDs in their hands. They were refused and walked away down the street, probably to find another club that would let them in. I chuckled at them, shaking my head at their efforts. They didn't even look eighteen, with barely any makeup on and their dresses just looked like something you would buy from the kid's section. God knows where their parents were.

"Sasha, do you think they'll let you in?" Ashton said, obviously having watched the young girls too.

"Yeah, I have my ID," I told him. Ashton sort of looked at me, as if waiting for me to realize. "It's fake."

"A fake ID!?" Calum said. "Sick."

"How long have you had it?" Michael said, trying to lean over to get a look

"Well if I told you that, I'd probably get a bit more than a dirty look from a certain someone standing here," I whispered, sliding the card from my purse and showing them.

"But how does that work?" Calum said, "People know who you are, and they know you're not eighteen."

"Ah, Calum, my small child, that's the thing. Because they know who I am, they do let me in," I winked.

The five of us showed our IDs to the bouncer when we reached the front, and he nodded and let us in.

"See, didn't even question me," I said.

We made our way through the club and found a table near the floor. We all squashed into the circular seat and me and Michael went up to the bar to order our drinks. We got everyone's usual, a beer each for Ashton and Calum, a gin and tonic for Luke, a vodka and orange for Michael and a scotch on the rocks for me.

Michael started chatting to the bartender, who was from Melbourne. I was half listening, leaning against the bar, half watching the staff pour and mix drinks. All of a sudden, I felt a hand squeeze on my butt cheek. I spun around to see a man probably in his mid thirties, completely drunk off his head. I angrily pushed his hand away and gave him a stare, moving a little closer to Michael.

"Hey, pretty. Don't run away, I just want to talk," He slurred. I grimaced as he carried on talking. "Did you come alone? Well me, I can make sure you don't leave alone," He giggled. "Come on, come with me!"

The man took a hold of my arm and jerked me away from Michael, but I managed to yank Michael's arm on the way and catch his attention.

"Mike!" I yelled as he reached out and pulled me away from the drunk man. I clung on to Michael as the man approached us both.

"Leave her alone, you drunk fuck," Michael said, raising his voice slightly but not yelling.

"She's here alone! Sexy girls like that shouldn't be here alone, so I just wanted to take her back to my house and-"

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence!" Luke stormed over with Ashton and Cal following close behind. Luke's voice was low and threatening, and to be honest, it was probably the angriest I'd ever seen him.

"Why not? Who are you, anyway, her 'boyfriend'? Not a very fucking good one, leaving her on her own," The man said, stepping closer. Michael took my arm and pulled me away from the boys a little, with his arm around my waist to keep me close.

"If you really have to know, I am her brother. And I would go to the ends of the fucking earth to make sure she's never touched by someone like you ever again," Luke said.

The man laughed at Luke. "Well, your sister is a very sexy lady!" he exclaimed. "I'm sure she'd love to get down on her knees-"

Before he could even finish his stomach-churning sentence, Luke smacked him in the jaw. The man toppled over and clattered to the ground. Luke seemed satisfied and turned towards the rest of us, only for a large hand to be rested on his shoulder. Luke turned to see a rather large bouncer, who, to cut a long story short, escorted us from the club. We all sighed and took a seat on the wall outside.

"What now?" Ashton asked.

"We can just find another club," Calum said.

"Why don't we just go back to the hotel," Michael said. "There's drink there."

"No!" Luke, Calum and I all whined at once, getting up from the wall. "Let's find another club, it can't be that far!"

"Do we have to?" Ashton said, sticking with Michael.

"Come on, let's just go back to the hotel," Michael said. "There's lots of alcohol to keep you happy in our room, Cal. And there's a PS4."

Luke then started to give in a little. PS4 might be fun, he told me. I'm not really in the mood anymore, he told me.

So guess what, we went back to the bloody hotel. We got in the stupid black van and drove all the way back to the hotel. Luke, Michael and Ash sat in the middle while Cal and I sat in the back, sulking. We flopped up to their room and sat down on the floor, opening the booze. That lifted our mood a little, seeing the booze, tasting the booze, feeling the booze. The two of us lay on our stomachs sideways on the bed, facing the TV. We half watched the others at Fifa, swigging beer.

"Not too much, Sasha. Three bottles only," Luke told me, not taking his eyes off the screen.

I silently mimicked my brother behind his back, making Calum giggle. While Luke's attention was taken up, Calum stealthily took a bottle of vodka and a bottle of coke from the drinks bag, lying them at the other side of the bed where the boys couldn't see. "For later," He whispered.

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