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"There you go Sir. Your rooms are on the top floor, numbers one fifteen to one twenty. Enjoy your stay."

We had successfully arrived at the hotel in Turin and made our way through the crowds awaiting us outside. The smartly-dressed man behind the desk handed Adam the five key cards to our rooms and he handed them all out to us. Adam was one hundred and fifteen, Joy was a hundred and sixteen, Calum and Michael were next, then me, then Ashton and Luke. The seven of us made our way to the top floor of the five-star hotel and unlocked our doors, disappearing inside.

Looking around the room, it was easy to see why Turin Palace was a 5-star hotel. The walls were painted a duck egg grey and I walked across gorgeous laminate flooring. The furniture was black, the coffee table, the lamps, the ottoman at the end of the bed, the bedside tables, the wardrobe, the desk. The leather chairs were a light cream color and the bed sheets were crisp white with a wine red frame. I ventured into the bathroom and looked around in awe at the black and white checkerboard floor tiles. There was a huge bath in the middle of the room and I could see little jets around the bottom for if I felt like a Jacuzzi. The sink was standing on a black frame, matching the furniture in the rest of the room. I picked up one of the white towels and stroked it, rubbing the soft cotton against my cheek.

I set to unpacking, hanging up my favorite dress, my red and black flannel, my jacket and pair of ripped black jeans in the beautiful wardrobe. I folded my grey t-shirt and night clothes in the drawer, before taking out a pair of white vans and a pair of nude heels and sitting them in front of the wardrobe. Suddenly I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I peered out the peephole and opened the door to my brother.

"Can I help you?" I said.

"Sorry, Miss Grumpy," Luke said as he walked past me and sat himself down on the bed.

"Why, Luke, come in! Make yourself at home!" I said sarcastically as I shut the door. "What do you want?"

"Well, I was going to ask if you're coming out for drinks with us, but since you're being so rude I might just suddenly remember that you're only seventeen," Luke smirked at me as he got back up and headed for the door.

"Wait, no, Luke!" I said and Luke turned to me.


"Can I come? I'll be nice, as long as mum doesn't find out," I smiled and Luke smiled back, nodding.

"Okay, I'll tell Joy that you're asleep. Be ready in half an hour."

Luke let himself out and I quickly unpacked the last of my things and then changed into my tight black leather pants, a black bralette and sliver sparkly heels. I slipped on my leather jacket, curled my hair and applied my makeup. There was a knock on my door so I quickly grabbed my bag and opened it, stepping out to the hallway and closing it behind me.

"Nice outfit," Calum commented. Luke raised his eyebrows at Calum and Calum smiled back. "Luke, calm down. It's not that bad."

"She could be wearing less," Michael said, "I like the trousers, Sasha."

I giggled. The trousers were Michael's gift to me last Christmas.

"I would of gotten you something else too, but these were very, very expensive. So be careful with them," Michael informed me as I unwrapped them on Christmas day.

"It's not the trousers I'm worried about, it's... whatever this is," Luke said as he fixed my top, pulling the material down slightly so it covered more of my stomach.

"Just leave her alone, Luke, honestly. No creepy slob is going to touch her, not with me around," Michael said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled cockily at Luke.

"You are the creepy slob, Mike," I laughed as we entered the elevator and Ashton pressed the 'G' button.

"True," Calum said. "After the Summertime Ball last year, he was so drunk when he got to our room he climbed in bed with me and started feeling me up."

Michael obviously had no memory of this. "What? I didn't!"

"Yep, you did. And Calum liked it," Luke said.

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