t w e l v e

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I didn't bother sneaking out and standing in the crowd that night. My mind was so distracted that I didn't even realize the time when four sweaty boys piled into the room and collapsed on the couches. They chattered away like they do after every show. 'Chattered' maybe wasn't the word, it's more like shriek, to be honest. Calum didn't say anything, he just filled up a water bottle and sat on the chair sipping it while trying not to smirk.

I woke up at eight the next morning, giving me two and a half hours until we had to be on the bus. I hopped out of bed, enjoying waking up without a hangover. I quickly showered before doing my hair and makeup, and creeping out the door half an hour before I was meant to meet with everyone for breakfast. No one was about, so I quietly slipped into Cal and Michael's room. Calum was sitting on his bed wearing the classic black skinny jeans, and a loose grey sweatshirt. His hair was a mop of brown curls, obviously not been touched since he woke up. Michael was nowhere to be seen. Calum looked up from his phone and smiled, standing up and coming towards me.

"Morning," I said cheerily.

"Good morning," He said, a smile in his voice and on his face. Calum stood very close to me and ran his fingers through my wavy hair.

"Where's Michael?" I asked.

"He went to see Luke and Ash a few minutes ago," Calum told me, smiling. I smiled too, before very quickly spinning him around and pushing him to the door, his wrists pinned above his head with one of my hands. I took him by surprise to say the least. I explored his now familiar mouth, copying his actions of the night before, pressing myself right to his body, fighting his tongue, biting his lip and grinding my hips on his. Calum knew what I was doing and harshly grabbed my bum. I pressed my pelvis down harder and a small moan vibrated into my mouth. Calum slowly slid his hand under my Aussie flag shirt but it only reached my stomach when we heard shouting from the other side of the door.

"Calum! Let us in for God's sake!" Michael yelled, shoving from the other side. "You fat shit, how heavy are you?!"

The two of us sprung back and I didn't have a chance to move away before Michael and Ashton burst into the room.

Ashton gave us a look to say, what was the need? before pushing past. Michael went to say something, but stopped himself and peered at my face.

"What's that all over your face? Is that... lipstick? Why did you smudge it?" I gasped and looked at Calum, who had the same pink stain all around his mouth. He realized and quickly wiped it with the back of his hand.

"I was eating crisps earlier and I wiped my lips after," I said, quick thinking coming in handy.

"Crisps before breakfast, huh?" Michael said, walking over to his wardrobe and kicking off his thongs. He slipped on a pair of Batman socks and then laced his black converse.

"Where's Luke?" Calum asked, looking a little nervous as he sat down on his bed.

"In our room, still in the shower," Ashton said as he pulled his phone from his pocket. "I'm starving."

Ten minutes later Luke arrived, hair perfect and reeking of cologne. The five of us sauntered down for breakfast, Calum knocking on his mum's door to tell her we were away. She said she wasn't that hungry and would have something on the bus later. On our way downstairs, Cal and I exchanged glances that said, that was fucking close.

This time at breakfast, I ordered pancakes as I was feeling a lot more hungry than the day before. I wolfed down the stack covered in chocolate sauce and then ordered some tea.

"Feeling classy, Miss Hemmings?" Michael teased in a posh accent.

"Classier than you, mate," I told him.

Everyone polished off their breakfast and then went back upstairs to pack the last of their things. I rushed out the door at twenty eight minutes past ten and ran downstairs to meet everyone in reception. I was last there so we were ushered outside and onto the bus, leaving at exactly half past. The drive to Milan was a good two hours, so we all had to find a way to entertain ourselves. Cal and I looked at each other.

"I think me and Sasha are going to watch a movie in the lounge," Calum said, standing up from the couch. We walked quickly through the bunks to the room at the back of the bus, giggling as we tripped over each other. But what we didn't realize was that Michael was hot on our heels. As I went to shut the door, Michael put his hand out to stop it. He smiled and slipped in, sitting next to us on the couch.

"I'll join you, if that's okay," He said. We sighed quietly and stuck on Mrs Doubtfire, the first film that came up. "No, I don't want to watch that!"

"What do you want to watch then?" I asked.

"Mean Girls," said Michael with a smile. I sighed and flicked it on, chucking the remote down. The room was very tense as the movie started, no one said a word. It was like Calum and I were holding our breath but Michael wasn't. He sat there very calmly, not taking his eyes of the TV. Eventually, he broke the tension. "You two better be careful," he told us, Calum and I looked at each other, knowing we were screwed.

"What... what do you mean?" I said.

"I know more than you think," Michael told us. I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell us," Calum told him.

Michael paused the film and pulled out a drawer underneath his seat filled with cinema food. He selected a bag of Doritos, opened them and shoved a few in his mouth before re-positioning himself on the couch so he was looking at us. He sat there, a smirk on his face, ready to spill. "Remember when you found Calum's shirt in your room, and Ashton told you that when we found you sleeping, Calum woke up and started mumbling stuff and took his top off? Do you want to know what you said?" Michael said quickly, spluttering at whatever he was going to say next. "You said, and I quote, 'Your sister is a hot bitch, Hemmings.'"

Michael sat killing himself as Calum and I's faces filled with fear. "Oh my God, I'm dead. I couldn't of actually said that, could I?!" Calum said quickly.

"I have a very good drunk memory, Mr Hood. Luke didn't hear, if that's what you're crapping yourselves about. I thought you were just talking shit, like usual, you know," Michael said. "But then I realized you weren't when you were pinning each other up against the door this morning. That's why your lipstick was everywhere, including Calum's face. Do you think I'm stupid? I'm surprised the whole world hasn't found out already, you aren't very good at hiding things. 'We're just going to watch a film in the lounge'," he mocked, stuffing more chips in his mouth. "My ass."

"Oh God," I said. "Michael, please don't tell Luke. Please, you know what he's like."

"Wait, at the interval yesterday, what were you two doing down in the corridors?" Michael said, ignoring my request and eyeing us suspiciously while crunching spicy Doritos.

"Then? Nothing, Sasha was looking for the toilet and got lost, I found her and then we came back up," Calum bullshitted.

"You're such a bad liar, Calum, oh my God," Michael laughed. "I bet you fucked in the cleaning cupboard."

"We kissed, that's it. We haven't done anything like that yet, I promise," I told him. There was no point lying now, he knew too much.

"YET?" Michael yelled. "YET? What do you mean yet? Calum Hood, I swear if you touch her I will chop your little balls off and Luke will know everything."

"Michael," I whined. Michael was always the one covering for me whenever I did something I shouldn't be, he jumped at the chance to be on any side but Luke's. "I thought you were fun! You're turning into Luke, all sensible-"

"Luke? Oh God. Stop me now. Go, fuck the world away, I won't tell him."

"What? Really?" Calum said, a grin on his face.

"Yes, but two things. One, if you hurt her you're going to have a shit load of people after you," He said, and started listing them off on his fingers. "Ben, Jack, Luke, Ashton, me and probably your sister as well. And two, if you just want to be fuck buddies then stop, because it'll get really awkward eventually. If not, carry on but just, make sure I don't hear anything on the bus or any hotel we stay in, because I will puke on you both."

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