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We were all back in the dressing room with Adam and Joy when the show finished. Adam was explaining the instructions for getting out and into the bus, even though we all did this nearly every day.

"The crowd will be big out there, about as big as it was earlier or maybe slightly bigger," He said, "You can spend a little longer this time, signing and talking. Joy, you're straight in the bus. Sasha, you can stay and chat or you can go into the bus, it's up to you."

"I think I might stay for a bit, I'll see," I said, smiling.

"There's no show tomorrow night, as you know so we'll be checking into a hotel when we get to Turin and staying for two nights, then leaving for Milan on the ninth in the morning. Okay, I'll see you all in twenty minutes at the stage door," Adam said and then he exited the room and went up the corridor to his own room. We all gathered our things and put the empty water bottles in the bin, before checking the room over and leaving for the door where the bus was, along with the fans. We all knew the drill. We braced ourselves as the door opened and we walked out, Joy rushing past us.

Adam was definitely right, the crowd was absolutely huge, the biggest I've ever seen in my life. And they were all waiting for us, just six people to come out that door. We did as usual, moved up the sides speaking to fans and answering questions. I stuck close to Luke, even though there was a whole pathway for the five of us. The crowd was very overwhelming but it soon got much, much worse.

We were speaking to a girl who was about sixteen, and she was asking questions about the next album, when it was going to be released and what it was called. Luke said they had put everything into the album, which she already knew, and that they hadn't confirmed a date. He was just about to start speaking about the name when we heard a huge crash, we all spun around to see that the barrier on the other side had been knocked over and fans were thundering towards us.

"Luke!" I screamed, just as a girl grabbed a hold of my arm and yanked me away from my brother. "Luke!"

It was no use, fans were everywhere and none of us could move. It wasn't just the boys they were after, it was me too. They tugged on my sweater and pulled my hair, I tripped over their feet and my skirt was way up my backside. I had never been mobbed before, but I had now and I really didn't like it. All I could see was girls with psycho grins all around, and a few security trying to clear them but it was no use whatsoever. I started breathing heavy and I heated up, getting suddenly very panicky. I tried my very hardest to wade back over to any one of the boys, just so I could cling on; but there was no chance. Hot tears started streaming down my face as I became more and more distressed. Clumps of my hair were being pulled, my jumper was definitely torn and my heels were trashed. Then I tripped over someone's leg and fell flat on my face, bursting out into more tears, but all of a sudden I was being pulled up and set down on my feet again.

"Hold onto my arm, Sasha," Luke told me.

I did exactly as my brother said as he made his way through the crowds and towards the bus like the three other boys. Joy was stood at the top of the steps in the doorway with a worried look on her face as we all clambered to safety one by one, the door shutting swiftly once we were all on. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief but I just couldn't stop the hot, sticky tears from running down my cheeks. Joy saw me and immediately pulled me into a tight, motherly hug.

"It's okay, love. We're on the bus now," she whispered as she rocked me back and forth. I snivelled and hiccuped against her chest and I began to calm down.

"That was definitely one of the worst," Adam said, wiping his brow.

"That was way bigger than airports, and they're usually the worst," Michael said as he took a bottle of water from the fridge and sat down.

"Is everyone okay?" Adam checked, though it was obvious I wasn't. The boys were fine, because let's face it, a crowd of teenage girls aren't going to hurt a group of six foot band members. No one wants to hurt them, but they did me. Everyone just wanted past me to be near the boys, to touch them, to see them, to hear them talk.

"Sasha, what happened?" Said Adam.

"They all just kept pulling me about, they ripped my sweater and ruined my boots, look," I said, turning around to show everyone the huge tear in my top and lifting up my shoes to see just how trashed they were. "These may as well be in the bin," I said as I untied the laces and chucked them in the general waste bin in the kitchen. "What about my jumper, do you think you could sew it, Joy?"

"No dear, it's too big. If I sewed it up it would just look daft so that may as well go in the bin too," Joy told me, looking over the rip. "Are you better now?"

I nodded and wiped my eyes as I pulled off my jumper and shoved that in the bin too. Then I went through to the bunks and searched about for my pyjamas. I stuck on some long tartan trousers (a gift from Calum when he was in Edinburgh one time) and a loose white t shirt. I decided to lie down and attempt to sleep, since it was past midnight, but I was unsuccessful. I lay in my bunk for what felt like ages before everyone else came to bed.

Calum crouched down and pulled my curtain aside once he was dressed for bed.

"You okay, Sash-bear?" He said. I nodded sleepily and smiled. "Okay, see you in the morning."

Calum kissed my forehead and slid into his bunk. I then got a kiss from all the boys one by one before they all went to bed.

Bad Girl's Secret // c.hOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora