Chapter 2

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Syra's POV
Since Vampire's don't sleep I just laid in my bed until the sun came up. I felt like acting human. I walked into my closet and threw on a sweater with jeans and my high top converse.
Mom-"Syra! Come down see who's here"
It better not be some guy my mom wants me to "date" or something. I went downstairs and I saw some guy in a suite.
Mom-"Syra! Why are you dressed like that?!that's not how a future queen dresses"
Syra-"mom calm down I was going to hang out with my friends, I don't need to look nice for them"
Mom gave a glare. I rolled my eyes at her.
Mom-"this is Prince Hans, of the southern isles, he's half human half vampire"
Hans-"nice to meet you princess"
He grabbed my hand and kissed it...EW!
Syra-"nice to meet you as well"
Mom-"Hans will be staying here for a while, and maybe ask for your hand"
Syra-"oh....that's great"
I lied.
Mom-"I'll leave you two alone"
Syra-"no I'll leave you two alone cuz I'm gone"
I walked out of the room and Hans gave me a sad look. I plugged my ear buds into my phone and put it in my pocket. I walked to the forest listening to IDFWU by Big Sean. I arrived at the forest and Hiccup, Natalie, and Merida were waiting for me.
Natalie-"Hey Syra"
Hiccup-"Hey Sis"
Merida-"Hey Chica"
Syra-"Hey Natalie, Bro, and Chica"
We laughed at our weirdness.
Natalie-"what shall we do today?"
Merida-"archery competition!"
Syra-"you always want to do that cuz you win"
Hiccup-"Dragon riding!"
Syra-"anything that doesn't have to do with marriage"
Merida, Hiccup, and Natalie looked me like I was crazy.
Natalie-"what do you mean?"
Syra-"my mom wants me to marry a guy named Hans now"
Merida-"I know what is feels like to have a arranged marriage"
Natalie-"I'm sorry Syra"
Syra-"I don't wanna be queen"
Merida-"you can't give the throne to DJ or Jake...nvm the kingdom would be chaos"
I laughed. Then I stopped at the sound of a twig break.
Merida-"did you hear that?"
Natalie-"we aren't alone"
Hiccup-"Syra run"
I ran away but not to the castle like I should have, I went behind where I heard the battle starting. Half a dozen Werewolves surrounded Natalie, Merida, and Hiccup. I had powers that no one knew I had. Well now my friends would know of my fire powers. I threw a fireball at each Werewolf. They groaned in pain and limped/ran away.
Natalie-"Syra? You have fire powers?!"
Syra-"sh..they aren't the only ones I have but only you three and the Werewolves know"
Merida-"that was a bit risky, now they know we have a weapon"
Syra-"let them know, they don't know it's me"

Jack's POV
Eugene came running into my room like a maniac.
Eugene-"Jack! Six of our best Werewolves have been hurt!"
As much as I wanted to stay here and daydream about the girl, I had to go. We went to our medical center and I saw that Eugene was right! Six Werewolves lay there surrounded by doctors and nurses. As I got closer I saw that they had bad burns.
Jack-"what happened?!"
Eugene-"they found Vampires and were gonna attack but something came from behind and attacked with fire"
Jack-"do we know who it might have been?"
Eugene-"no clue at all"
Jack-"ugh! We'll get revenge somehow"
Then the girl came me through my mind. I hope it wasn't her.

Syra's POV
We arrived at the castle doors.
Natalie-"see you tomorrow"
Syra-"bye guys"
I walked in and my mom grabbed my arm.
Mom-"Syra Hans and you are going to have dinner in the dinning room alone. Get dressed up and act like a princess!"
She let go of my arm and I went to my room. What do I wear to dinner with a complete stranger??? I looked in my closet. Everything I had was either too fancy or too "normal" and if I dressed normal my mom would be furious. Ah! I found it!

A/N what is Syra gonna wear?!

Vampires Don't Fall For WerewolvesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin