Chapter 12

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Syra's POV
I heard footsteps so I looked up and saw stupid Dylan crouched down in front of me.
Dylan-"Is my Dark Rose crying?"

Syra-"No I'm just confused, but you wouldn't care"

Dylan-"I'm sorry for what I said earlier"

Syra-"it's fine"

I got up and walked around him to the kitchen where my mother was.
Mom-"Your Coronation is in three days!"

Syra-"That's great!"

I remembered the person in the dark room that had warned me about her. Just then Dylan walked in.

Dylan-"Hello Ms.D"

Mom-"Hello Dylan"

Dylan-"So we are going to have a new queen in 3 days, nice. But who's going to be the king?"

Mom-"it is a tradition for her to pick out of the vampire kingdom, but I would really like it if Syra married you Dylan"


Dylan-"It would be a great honor to marry such a beautiful Queen like Syra"

Mom-"Its settled!"



Syra-"I mean, shouldn't we wait till after the coronation then he can properly propose"

Mom-"Splendid idea! What do you think Dylan?"

Dylan-"A few days later wouldn't hurt me, all that matters is being with Syra"

Syra-"Natalie and I will look for the dress for the coronation"


Syra-"Can I go and start now?"

Mom-"Yes my dear you may"

I ran upstairs and called Natalie.
N-"Syra? What's up?"

S-"Hey Natalie, I need some help with my coronation dress"


S-"I'll explain when we are there"

N-"alright, and I'm in"

S-"meet me at the boutique"


I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

Syra-"Mom I'm going with Natalie to the boutique"

Mom-"alright, have fun"

I walked out of the castle and went to Natalie's house, she was waiting for me.

Natalie-"Haven't seen you in a bit"

Syra-" Its complicated"

I explained to her about Dylan, the coronation, and I even told her about Jack and who he was.

Natalie-"Almost like Romeo and Juliet"

Syra-"You do realize they both die in the end right?"

Natalie-"details details"

We walked into Natalie's auntie's boutique.

Natalie's Aunt-"Hello Girls, how can I help you today?"

Natalie-"Syra is looking for a dress for her coronation"

Natalie's Aunt-"Ah, walk this way"

We followed her to a section of the boutique that had amazing dresses.

Natalie's Aunt-"If you girls need any help just tell me"

Natalie-"Thanks Auntie"

Natalie's Aunt left us to do the shopping.

Natalie-"let's get started"

That's exactly what we did.

Vampires Don't Fall For WerewolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora