It's Raining

390 7 6

Me talking


By the way, I wanna mention that this was requested by Henriam_Simp.

3rd POV

It was a rainy day. Everyone had umbrellas, kids were jumping in puddles, and others stayed inside. However, a boy had to go grocery shopping. And that boy's name was Henry.

Henry's POV

Well I had to go outside. I threw on my clothes and then went to get the groceries. The store isn't far,(kinda reminds of something)so I could walk. After 5 minutes, something happened. All of the sudden, it was raining. 

Are you kidding me? I thought.

Well, I had no umbrella. Just great. I was really soaked now.  Then, out of the blue, Liam, also  my crush, appeared. 

"Sup Henry." He said.

"Sup" I said.

"You need an umbrella?" He asked.

"Nah I'm fine. I think." I lied.

Then Liam did something that I couldn't believe. He shared his umbrella. With me.

"Yknow what? Let's just share the umbrella." He said

"Oh...ok." I said 

We then went to the store and I got my groceries. Liam also said he wanted to pay for it so he did. 

When we went outside, it stopped raining. We said our goodbyes and went to our homes. I kept thinking about that one moment for the whole day. I then realized something. 

Liam  likes me back.

Fun fact:This is one of shortest oneshots with 218 words

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