How could you...

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Things to keep in mind

Me talking


Liam's POV

Ugh. Ever since Lia and Henry got together, things have been hell for me. Why Henry? I thought maybe I had a chance...but, you can't always get what you want. That's what my mom says. 

Speaking of moms, who knew? Stacy's mom got it going on, once again(he walked past stacy)

But I'm not in the mood. 

I walk to Math, and I pass by Lia and Henry, holding hands and being a couple. Not only are they lovey-dovey, Henry talks about her nonstop. I sometimes wish...he would like me. Not her.

3rd POV

Liam's pace got faster and faster. He made it to the fourth period and was one of the only people there. Everyone was somewhat surprised, since Liam is never early. 

Liam takes his seat, and waits until the bell rings.

"Okay, class. Time to get started. Today, we're going to be learning about drugs. Does anyone know what those are?" Mr. Dawson asked.

Some hands went up. Liam's hand wasn't one of them.

After learning about drugs, at one point, the teacher was a little bit concerned for Liam. He was very down and wasn't acting normal. So Mr. Dawson told Liam to stay in after class.

Liam was really down now, thinking he was in trouble. 

When the bell rang, everyone got out of their seats and some said "Goodbye,Mr. Dawson!" 

However, Liam stayed, as he was told earlier.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about something. Come outside." Mr. Dawson instructs.

They both go outside of the class while other people come in.

"I noticed you were acting strange today. Is something wrong?" Mr. Dawson asked.

Liam didn't know what to say. Or do. Or think. He didn't know all when the teacher asked that question.

"Nothing's wrong." Liam replied.

"Okay. I just wanted to know." Mr. Dawson replies, handing him a late pass.

Liam walks to English. He hands Miss. Addison the  late pass.

After what seems like forever, lunch comes. A totally not Henry-and-Lia-being-mushy place.

Henry's POV

I still can't even believe I'm dating Lia! I knew I had a chance, just not this soon. It's lunch, now. I walk to the cafe, and wait on line for the disgusting lunch. No offense. 

I walk to the Jomies, since Lia has lunch next period. We surprisingly all have lunch the same period. 

"Oh. Hey, Henry." Liam replies once he sees me.

"Hola." I reply.

"I still can't believe you have a girlfriend. And the fact that it's Lia." Drew chimes in. 

"I'm just that handsome." I reply teasingly.

"Yeah, right." Drew replied, rolling his eyes.

We talk and eat lunch. Jake then says he has to go the music club.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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