The Tragic Day(senior and couple au)

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Sensitive topic aka 9/11

Someone dying(mentioned)


Things to keep in mind

Me talking

Writing on paper

3rd POV 

Today was a sunny day. People were going to school and However, today wasn't a normal day. And not a good one. In fact, this day is very tragic. Today was the day al-Qaeda attacked the twin towers. And millions died. Unfortunately, one's dad died trying to fight for America. 

Henry's POV

Today was the tragic, sunny day. I don't know why dad lied. He said "I'll be back, son. I promise I won't die like this."

But still. He lied. He ended up dead. Well, that doesn't matter. I slap the alarm clock and get out of my green, anime, and lettuce-like room. I wash up and change. 

Hm, what's for breakfast? Bagel? Nah, too plain. Cereal? Hell no. It's literally those things you find inside pencil sharpeners. Lettuce? Maybe. But takes too long to make a salad. I grab a granola bar and eat it while walking to school. 

I make it to home room in time. Crap I forgot to do my math homework . Well, nothing I can do now except turn it in right now. When I was about to turn it in, the announcement speaker came on.

3rd POV

"Good morning, Rosemeadow students. Please join us, in the pledge of allegiance."

The whole class stood up.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The announcement speaker said "Please be seated."

Everyone sat down and started packing. Once the pledge was over, that was a signal that home room was going to end in 2 minutes. After what seemed like 10 seconds, the bell rang. This was when both Henry and Liam met since they both had Health  as their first period. 

Liam's POV

Well, time for  class. And of course, Henry's there. 

"Okay, class. Today, we're going to learn about the mental changes of your body. To test what you know, there's a quiz."

Groans filled the room. I'll admit though, nobody likes quizzes, especially from Mr. Dawson. This was caused by the fact that he's really strict about them and it's almost impossible to cheat. 

Anyway, I was sitting next to my boyfriend aka Henry(yes I wrote boyfriend)

"I'm sorry to interrupt your classes, but we forgot one more thing. Everyone, please stand up."

The whole class got out of their seats.

"Today is 9/11, the day the twin towers fell. Millions of people died from the terrorists who attacked. Let's have a moment of silence for 9/11 and the people who died."

It was so silent. You could hear a pin drop. 

"Please be seated." The announcement speaker said then went off.

Everyone was back to minding their own business. I noticed Henry looked sad, but I didn't know why. Maybe he'll open up to me. Hopefully. 

Period after period, I wondered what was happening in Henry's mind until—


Lunch time.

3rd POV

Henry walked to the caf. He was also with Liam, and they both were with Drew and Jake. They  walked in and went to the seats in the very corner(it's one of the best spots in a school caf). Everyone but Jake packs lunch from home. So he goes to the long and annoying line to get it.

They chat a little and then like always, Jake said he had to go the music club. 

"Y'know what?  I'm going to the bathroom and staying there."

"Aw, does someone miss their Jakey-boo?" Liam teased.

They shipped drake, cause they have bromance. A lot of bromance(kinda like Max and Armand from Korean Englishman also no shipping them cuz they real)

Drew gets flustered. 

"What! Dude he's just a friend," Drew yelled "Plus, it's not like I want him to kiss me or something." 

"So you do want to kiss him?" Henry asked teasingly.

Drew was embarrassed by this comment, therefore went to the bathroom.

Liam and Henry gave each other "the look". Henry said he was going to go find Drew, since he literally ran out of there in the blink of an eye.

While Henry was almost there, his heart beating was thunder:loud,dramatic,unexpected,and could even be said to be scary.

This is what he saw.

Henry's POV

I decide to go find Drew. But my heart stops when I was going to. I hear something. Terrible.

I stood there, horrified. I saw drawings of dead people. I saw somewhere that it said 9/11 is overrated. It even said that America had let the country down. Instead of saying anything I just went back to my seat and stood away from the door.

Liam's POV

I notice that Henry walks backs to his seat. I really want to know what happened but I don't think right now is a good time to ask. After all, he looked sad. But me being worried, I asked.

"Uh, you okay?" I ask.

"Oh! Uh, yeah. I'm okay." He replies strangely.

I raise an eyebrow, because he's a terrible liar. So it was obvious he wasn't fine.

"You know, you can talk to me." I say emphatically.

3rd POV

Henry felt how sincere Liam was being. So he did. 

He spilled the beans with his father and everything about 9/11. It was on paper though. Obviously because some people are very nosy(like me)

Im very srry, Henry. Y didnt you tell me earlier? I am ur future husband after all

Yea yea ik. I wasnt comfortable telling u, so i kept quiet and didnt.

O ok. Ty for letting me know :)

Henry smiled at the last comment. He should've known that Liam is a good person unlike the other people(aka the bitches from earlier). He hugs Liam. Then, the next class starts and it's time to go. 

Fun fact:I finished this in the kitchen

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