Birthday Party

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Me talking

Hannah is their child.

3rd POV

It was their child's birthday. Henry and Liam stared at their child as she played with her friends. Of course, she was really excited like any six year old. The house was decorated with Turning Red stuff. She loved it and so did her friends. 

"Hey daddy," Hannah asked "can we eat now?" 

"Of course." Henry replied.

Henry's POV

I got the things out. Liam helped me out. 

"Okay everyone, it's time to eat!" I called.

"Okay!" They yelled back.

They all gathered up at the table. They ate the food. They didn't even say thanks. And it took many, many hours for me to make those things. Oh well, they're kids so I guess it doesn't matter.

My head sort of hurts, though...

3rd POV

After eating, the kids went to play outside. 

"Hey you! Can you give us the ball?" A random kid asked.

"Sure." Henry replied.

"Can we have ice cream?

"When are we gonna have cake?"

"What type of cake is it?"

"I'm bored can we do something?"

"I SPRAINED MY LEG!" One screamed, crying.

"Can you play with me?"

It made his headache become a splitting headache. Every question the kids asked, it got worse and worse.

"I'll be right back." Henry announced.

He ran upstairs and accidentally destroyed something. He didn't care. He was getting so tired of all these questions he's hearing. Henry ended up curling up into a ball and burying his face inside his legs(if that's even possible which I don't think it is). Liam was there, of course. 

"Hey," Liam said, "what's wrong?" 

"Nothing...just tired." Henry replied.

"Oh. From what?" Liam asked.

"The kids. They keep asking and somewhat demanding me. And, I have a terrible headache."

"Oh. Y'know, you could just leave it to me." Liam said gently.

"Would you?" Henry said.

"Yes." Liam said.

Henry's eyes were beaming. He then hugged Liam so hard that Liam actually couldn't breathe for one minute(how do you do that-). 

"Thanks, tomato." Henry said.

"You're welcome, Lettuce-chan." Liam replied smirking.

Liam then told Henry he was going to go talk to the kids. Henry nodded and then Liam went. And about three seconds later the kids kept asking questions. He decided to call them and they came.

"Where's Henry?" A few ask.

"Now, please hear me out. It seems that he has a headache and needs some rest. If you need something, just ask me." Liam said, hoping the kids wouldn't get angry or sad.

"Okay..." they said, sort of upset.

"Hey! Did you trick us?" A kid yells.

"Nope. Why do you ask, Kassandra?" Liam says, confused.

"Cause he's right behind you!" They all point at Henry.

"Hold on! When did you even—"

"I have my ways. But, nobody got tricked. I simply healed." Henry replies boldly.

"Now, who wants some cake?!" Henry yells.

Everyone then got excited, including the married couple. Even though they were adults, they still act like kids at times. They both rounded the children up and made Hannah sit in front of the cake. Henry stuck exactly seven candles in the colorful cake(it's a rainbow cake btw)and of course, they sang.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Hannah. Happy birthday to you!" Everyone said.

"Make a wish!" One of the kids yelled.

Everyone was cheering and both Henry and Liam took them out. They also decided to cut the cake the way they do in weddings(I would never do that). They gave the b-day girl the first, of course. Then they both started to give cake to everyone else. 

After eating cake and playing a little, there was another fun part(my fav part). The piñata!!! They went outside and got the bats. They each took turns smacking the piñata until it broke. It had so much candy! Snickers, Kit Kats, Hersheys, Starburst, Warheads and other candies! 

After that they decided to hang out and just play Roblox. However though, Henry was still tired and wanted to go to sleep. 

While the kids were playing, Henry feel asleep. Liam realized this, and carried him upstairs. He then gently put him into their bed. 

"Good night." He said and kissed his forehead.

"Oooooooooooooh." Voices said out of nowhere. 

"Hey!" Liam said.

Well they got caught.

"Come back here!" Liam chuckled in a playful way.

The kids went running down the stairs. They played a lot of games and had so much fun. Unfortunately, Liam told them that Hannah can't open the presents until they leave.

After 7:30, they all went home. They said their goodbyes and left. They didn't have to go to sleep yet, however. When it was 8 though, they all went to bed. Henry was slightly awake.

"So, what did I miss?" He said in a tired voice.

 "It was the best." Liam replied.

"But it's fine that you didn't see it all." Liam quickly said.

"Good night, tomato vampire." Henry said smiling.

"Good night, Lettuce deku." Liam replied.

And then they went to sleep.

But I'm both of their minds, they knew it was the best birthday ever.

Fun fact:when I finished this, the battery was 69% which is sus and weird 🤨 

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