Mellissa's Diary

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  • Dedicated to Ash

Since today is my 18th Birthday, I thought I should upload a little story that I'm entering in the watty awards for you! Hope you like this Prologue :)

I wrote this for my friends 18th birthday a while back lol :)


Mellissa Tanner just turned sweet sixteen and she feels like she’s old enough to make her own decisions. She, like any other teenager, feels like her family doesn’t care about her. One day the hottest guy in her school, according to her anyway, starts talking to her and she’s thrilled about it. Will her new found confidence bring a good life for her? Find out in this short story called “Mellissa’s Diary”.



Dear Diary,

Beth got me this diary today for my 16th birthday which is really cool. It’s a pink cloth diary with stars on it. I guess I’ll introduce myself to you. My name is Mellissa Tanner. I have blonde, wavy hair and grey eyes. I’m quite short but not too short (5’1”). I have a beautiful mom (Anna) and an amazing dad (Richmond). I also have a brother. Derek is 19 years old. He has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He’s really tall, around 6 foot maybe. His best friend Beth Frank ‘s really pretty too. She has black hair with waves that reach her shoulder and dark brown eyes. She’s always around the house because of Derek. Even when Derek is not home and has gone out for a date, she visits us.

Also, I have a baby brother, who is three. His name is Kevin and he shares the same basic features as Derek. Sometimes I feel like he too had a crush on Beth.

I have a best friend. Her name is Kara Mayne. She’s 16 too. She’s two months older than me, dark complexion, black eyes and black hair. She loves water sports while I don’t. She’s a great listener. She listens to all my problems and I listen to hers. She has a boy friend now which makes her unavailable at times but she’s there for me when I need her the most.

I love my family but I can’t really count on anyone there. Derek who used to be like my best friend is almost never there for me anymore. My mom and dad are too busy in their real-estate firm to pay me any attention. I say only me because they apparently have enough time to spend with my brothers. I guess those are the things us “middle children” have to go through.

I hear dad calling me and telling me to sleep. I guess I’ll write in you tomorrow.


Mellissa T


Picture of Mellissa (Meghan Martin) -->>

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