Part One

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“Wake up,” I felt mom shake me.

“Mom,” I groaned; I was having such a nice dream, “Let me get back to my dream.”

“No, you have a test today,” she scolded. Her blonde hair fell over her face as she bent to look at me, covering her green eyes.

I pouted and got out of bed. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. As usual no one was sitting on the table. Derek skips breakfast in the morning. Dad watches the news in the morning. I sat at the table for breakfast. Mom put pancakes in front of me.

The pancakes were heavenly! Mom always made the best pancakes. As soon as I poured the golden-colored maple syrup over them my stomach grumbled greedily.

I ate it hungrily, not leaving a single drop of syrup or a single crumb of the pancake. “Someone’s hungry,” mom commented. I just grinned at her. “Go get dressed,” mom smiled. I noticed that today she left her hair loose which always makes her look pretty. She must have a meeting today.

I walked up to my room and changed into school-wear. That usually meant a plain t-shirt with cool wordings (today mine said “I can’t fix stupid” in black) and jeans along with my black converse.

Grabbing a cookie from the plate, I left the house.

The school is 10 minutes from my house so I usually go walking alone. As I entered the school’s halls, I did the usual: I went to my locker and took out my books for History. I was good at this subject and we had a test from it today which I was well prepared for.

“Hey,” I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to see THE Ian Wright standing behind me. “Hey,” I said taking in the 5 foot 8 inch hottie with spiky black hair and ocean blue eyes.

“Mellissa, right?” he asked smiling that dimpled smile of his.

“Yeah,” I smiled.

“Can I call you ‘Mel’?” he asked still smiling.

“Sure,” I said unsure of where this was going but completely liking it.

“I need a favor,” he announced.

“What is it?” I asked, losing some of the excitement; it makes sense that he spoke to me only because of a favor.

“I need help in the history test,” he said.

I scoffed, “You’re smart in that subject! You don’t need my help cheating!”

“I just didn’t study for this one. Can you please help me out?” he asked coming closer and grabbing my hands with his, his blue eyes intensely gazing down at me.

The heat from him hypnotized me somehow because I ended up saying: “Sure, I’ll help you.”

“Thanks!” he exclaimed happily and kissed my knuckles, “I owe you one.”

I blushed and entered the class. I took my seat and he sat next to me. Kara gave me a quizzical look and then sat in front of me with James- her boyfriend.

The teacher handed us the multiple-choice questions. I smiled when I saw the paper. ‘Damn, this is gonna be easy,’ I thought to myself. I also gave an assuring smile to Ian so that he knew that I had all the answers. He grinned and pretended to think of the answers.

At the end of the class, just as I was about to leave, Ian gave me a hug and said, “I feel like I’m going to ace this.”

“Great,” I smiled, feeling happy that he was going to ace it and that he hugged me.

“I owe you big,” he said and then corrected himself: “I mean huge time.”

“It’s alright,” I smiled.

“Really, you’re amazing! I love you,” he said giving me another hug.

I blushed and said, “maybe you’re overreacting.”

“I’m not!” He said, “Can we be friends? Like really good friends?”  

I hesitated at his request and then replied, “Sure.”

“Great, so can we have lunch together?” he asked, he seemed anxious.

As I walked down the halls with him I asked, “together?” with one eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, join my friends at lunch. I know you usually sit alone,” he smiled. Damn his smile was gorgeous.

“Ian, are you sure?” I asked, not wanting to impose. Maybe tomorrow he’ll get over his gratitude and stop talking to me.

“I’m positive,” he said trying to convince me, “Come on, Mel. Don’t say no.”

“Just this once,” I smiled and said.

“Awesome,” he said and hugged me again, “see you.”

“See you too,” I smiled as he walked away.

Ian Wright just spoke to me! He hugged me! He invited me to eat with him! This day is unbelievable!

“You have serious explaining to do Mellissa” I heard Kara say behind me.

“What?” I asked her innocently as I turned to face her anger.

“Can you explain why Ian Wright is talking to you?” she asked, her brown peepers staring into my grey ones.

“He wants to be friends,” I shrugged and started walking ahead.

“Umm Mel, friends don’t hug,” she pointed out.

I gave her a blank stare, “we hug!”

“Yeah, I get that but we’ve known each other practically our entire lives,” she exclaimed.

I shrugged and said, “I helped him in the history test. He’s just really happy. No big deal.”

I saw James walk behind Kara squeezing her tight. “Am I interrupting something?” he asked as he sensed the tension. He was a football player but he still had a heart.

“No,” I smiled, “you’re not.” I walked away from them. I walked away from that happy couple. They were really cute together but that made me jealous sometimes.


What do you think of her Parents?

What do you think of Ian?

What do you think of her best friend?

Leave me comments and votes please!!! I really wanna win this contest. 

Also remember, this is a short story!

Mellissa's DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora