Part 8

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I'm this nice :)

Dear Diary,

I never thought I’d write to you again because of the whole Ian thing, but I’m ok now. It has been three months since the whole Ian thing and things have finally settled down. When I say things, I meant the crazy rumors linking me and Ian that I’d rather not mention.

I started talking to Kara more often. She and James are still together but they’re making space for me. I also started talking to this other guy. His name’s Cameron. He’s really sweet.

I don’t have that much to say.


Mellissa T

“Mellissa,” I heard Cameron yell as he ran towards the bench where I was sitting in the park.

“Cameron, hey,” I said calmly, “Why am I here?”

“Feel free to say no. Alright?” he warned as he kneeled on the ground. One thing attractive about him was that even though he was 17, he looked like he was 19 or 20.

“You’re kneeling,” I pointed out and then joked, “I’m not marrying you.”

He looked shyly at me. I exclaimed “Oh my Gosh, I barely know you. I’m not going to marry you!”

“How ‘bout the first step then?” he asked, “Go out with me.” I looked at his violet eyes and brown hair in horror. “I’m not like Ian!” he said understanding my horror.

“How do I know that?” I asked.

“I promise you I won’t hurt you,” he said sincerely.

“Give me five minutes?” I asked.

“Sure, I’ll roam around in the park,” he smiled and walked away.

I quickly dialed Kara’s number. “I’m kinda busy,” she answered.

“Cameron asked me out!” I exclaimed.

“What? How?” she asked confused.

“He asked me a minute ago, what should I say?” I asked.

“Well, what do you think of him?” she asked me.

“He promised not to hurt me,” I said.

“Cameron is nice,” she said, “Maybe you should say ‘yes’.”

“You think?” I asked.

“Yup,” she said, “You need a boyfriend. A good one.”

“So I say yes?” I asked.

“Definitely,” she said, “Listen, I need to hang up now.”

“Alright, bye,” I said and hung up.

I looked behind me and saw Cameron. “So is it a yes?” he asked.

“Yes,” I smiled.

“Awesome! So I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure,” I smiled.

It’s 6pm and I just had a shower. I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened it and saw Beth. “Thank you for coming!” I said.

“No problem,” she said and looked in my closet. She was helping me dress up for my date. After 15 minutes of going through my closet she finally found something.

“What is it?” I asked

She removed a black with red horizontal stripes tank top I hadn’t worn in a long time. “Are you sure it’s first date appropriate?” I asked.

“Yes, now wear this,” she said and gave me the top.

I wore the tank top. I found my black skinny jeans and wore that too.

“How do I look?” I asked.

“Stunning,” she replied and pushed me to sit on the stool.

She started combing my hair. She straightened my hair and curled it at the edges. She then applied make-up on me.

I looked at myself in the mirror and fell in love with Beth’s creation. She put light pink lip-gloss on me, some mascara and eye-liner. She gave me a neutral, beautiful look.

“You made me look pretty,” I smiled.

“You’ve always looked pretty,” she said and kissed my cheek.

I heard the doorbell ring. “It’s probably him,” she said.

“I’m kinda nervous,” I said, “I don’t know why. I wasn’t this nervous with Ian”.

“It’ll pass,” she said, “Don’t keep him waiting. Derek is probably grilling him right now.”

“You’re right,” I chuckled. I quickly put on my converse and went downstairs.

Then I saw him, Cameron, in all his muscular glory. He wore a black t-shirt that hung loosely on his muscles. His hair spiky in a way that made me bite my lip. His violet eyes were blue now, indicating that he’s wearing contact lenses. I smile and made my way over to him. “Are you ready?” he asked nervously.

“Yeah, I am,” I smiled.

“Remember, be back by nine,” Derek said giving Cameron a warning look.

Cameron gulped and said, “of course.”

I glared at Derek and said: “We’ll be back soon.”

“Mel, call me if anything goes wrong,” Derek said concerned.

“I will,” I said and gave Derek a hug. I whispered to him, “Listen Derr, I know you’re looking out for me but stop making him nervous.”

“I’m only doing my job,” he whispered back, “call me whenever you can, so that I know you’re ok.”

I pulled away from him and said, “I love you, but can I go now?”

“At least wear a jacket to cover your arms,” he said protectively.

“Derek,” Beth interrupted, “Stop being a prick and let her go.”

“Fine,” Derek said and put his hands up in a ‘surrender’ movement.

I pulled Cameron with me and we left the house. Derek’s so annoying! “Ignore my brother,” I told him apologetically, “I didn’t know he was that protective over me.”

“It’s alright,” He smiled, “I would be protective too if I had a beautiful sister.”

I blushed.

“You look good tonight,” he smiled.

I blushed further and said, “you look great too. You shouldn’t have worn contacts though.”

“You don’t like blue?” he asked confused.

“I did,” I said and bit my lip, “until I saw violet.”

He grinned as we sat in his dark blue car. “Where are we going by the way?” I asked.

“How does bowling sound?” he asked.

“I’m not good at it,” I said, “But I’m up for it.”

“Great! I could teach you if you like,” he smiled. I nodded.


Picture of Cameron, (Zac Efron) -->

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