Part Two

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It was lunch time. I took my tray from the cashier and paid the lady. “Hey, friend,” I heard Ian say from behind me.

“Hey, friend,” I smiled.

“My friends are anxious to meet you,” he said and steered me towards his friends.

Once I sat at their table nervously, Ian introduced me: “This is Mellissa” he said to his friends and smiled. The jocks from the table smiled and said ‘hi’ while the girls just give me disapproving and sympathetic looks. What was their problem?

“Mellissa’s really smart,” Ian starts saying causing me to blush, “She helped me out in the history test. Thanks to her, I’ll ace it.”

“Did you privately tutor him?” his friend – Shane I think – asks me. He was a football player too. He had shaggy blonde hair and chiseled jaw. I’m convinced that he’s a model.

“No, I let him copy off me,” I told him and gave a tiny smile.

“Do you mind tutoring me?” Ian asked me.

“I don’t mind,” I smiled.

“My place,” he said, “This Sunday?”

“Sure,” I smiled and started eating my pudding, my chocolate pudding.

“Can I join?” Shane asked. His girlfriend Maggie punched his shoulder. He just shrugged and said “Fine, I’ll let Maggie tutor me.” The last time I checked Maggie was bad at history. Maybe he meant another subject. But what subject was she good at?

“Test’s over!” Ian exclaimed at me.

“Huh?” I asked, forgetting about everything I was thinking previously.

“You’re concentrating on something,” he smiled, “forget about it.”

“Umm ok,” I said, eating my pudding. I looked at other people’s food. All the girls ate were salads and the guys ate burgers. I talk in plural because Shane is on his third burger while his girlfriend is on her third spoon of salad.

At the end of school I started on my regular walk home when a car stopped next to me. Ian’s Sedan to be precise. “Wanna go to the mall?” he asked me after rolling the windows down.

“No thanks,” I told him and continued walking.

“It’ll be fun,” he said, “just for an hour or something.”

“Okay, fine then,” I said after a slight hesitation and got in his car. I mean, we’re friends, right? We should hang out often. Besides, I don’t have Kara anymore but I have him. I have a hot friend! This is so going in my diary!

“What are you thinking about?” he asked as we parked in the parking lot of the mall.

“Nothing in particular,” I smiled and got out of the car.

We walked around the mall for a while looking at shops. Our hands even brushed a couple of times. We stood in front of a donut shop, and I was about to suggest that we could go in when my phone started ringing. Mom was calling.

“Hey,” I said.

“Where are you?” she asked. She didn’t sound too pleased.

“At the mall,” I told her.

“With whom?” she asked suspicious, “I called Kara earlier and she said you weren’t with her.”

“Another friend, mom,” I exclaimed in frustration. Ian’s blue eyes that I adored sparkled with amusement.

“Come home, right now,” she said sternly.

I sighed and said “fine” and then hung up.

“What is it?” Ian asked.

“I need to go home. Mom just called me,” I said, “Can you drop me home?”

“Sure,” he smiled, “what are friends for?”

I smiled and headed towards the parking lot. He ran in front of me and opened the car door for me like a gentleman. “Thank you,” I smiled.

“Anything for you,” he said and closed my door and got into the driver’s seat.

I gave him directions to my place and he dropped me off. Before he left we exchanged numbers and he promised he would call later tonight.

“Where were you?” mom asked, her green eyes penetrating through mine.

“Out,” I said and started walking upstairs.

“We’re not finished,” she stated, “Who was that boy?”

“That’s Ian,” I said, “He was just dropping me off.”

“Since when were you friends with him?” she asked.

“Since now, ok!” I half yelled, “Can I go now?”

“Go,” she said and as soon as I headed up the stairs she yelled, “Oh and no internet for two days because of your attitude.”

I groaned and stomped upstairs. Maybe I could write in my diary about today. It would be only about Ian for sure. I walked towards my table and saw no diary. I checked under my bed and still no diary. Damn! Where could it go?

I walked to Kevin’s room and saw him sleeping. It was still 3 pm, his nap time. I started looking around for my diary. His room was basically white and baby blue. How difficult was it going to be to find my pink diary?

“Looking for something, sis?” I heard Derek say.

“Yeah,” I told him while searching, “I can’t find my diary anywhere.”

“Oh that,” he said nonchalantly, “it’s in my room.”

“What’s it doing in your room?” I asked confused.

“I needed something to read,” he smirked.

I glared at him. I ran towards his room but he caught me by putting his hands around by back.

“Let me go,” I yelled at him.

“Nope,” he grinned.

“Stop being mean,” I told him.

“Your diary is so boring,” he said, “It was filled with your whining.”

“Give it to me!” I yelled at him.

“Alright, you don’t have to yell,” he chuckled and went to his room.

“Were you yelling?” I heard mom ask.

“Yeah, Derek provoked me,” I said.

“And where’s Derek now?” she asked me.

“In his room, he went to get my diary that he stole,” I said.

“Don’t yell, ok?” she said sternly, “Kevin’s sleeping, don’t disturb him.”

I rolled my eyes and said “sure.”

“Here,” Derek said and gave me my diary back and then whispered in my ear, “I took pictures of your entry, I think I’ll put it up on facebook.

“You’re such an arsehole,” I said and was about to storm to my room when mom stopped me with her voice.

“What did you call him?” she asked.

“A-hole,” I told her innocently.

“Three days without internet,” she simply stated.

“Mom, you’re so unfair!” I yelled.

“Four,” she said with a stern look.

“I hate you!” I said and stormed to my room and closed the door behind me. I heard mom saying “five.”

My mother is so biased when it comes to treating her children!


Leave comments! The picture on your right is a picture of Derek (Alex Pettyfer).

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