Chapter 6: 'Normal'

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Let's Start:

Kouki: "Well..."

Jaune: "Read the mission report if you are so obsessed with what that thing was"

Kouki: "We both know there is more to it"

Jaune: "Why do I even talk to you...Pyrrha I'm going don't forget to tell Ren, Nora, and team Rwby about today"

Pyrrha: "...Right"

Jaune narrowed his eyes looking at his partner

Jaune: "You do remember don't you....about today"

Pyrrha: "I haven't forgotten"

Pyrrha was sweating in fear because today is the day Jaune punishes them seeing Jaune walk out of the cafeteria with Kouki sitting down clicking his tongue

Kouki: "What was that thing anyway?"

Sakura: "I'm curious too but just let it be"

Yang: "It's gone and dead let go"

Kouki: "Do you guys even find it suspicious on the fact when we fought it we couldn't do anything but that when Jaune did he had no trouble"

Weiss: "Velzard was able to hurt it too"

Kouki: "But that's different we've seen her fight"

It's been two weeks since the Vritra incident after the mission and long, long mission debriefing Ozpin granted the four teams a week off to recuperate, and after classes started up for them they returned to their usual routine with Velzard dominating combat class alongside Jaune

Yang: "Do you have something against Jaune or something?"

Kouki: "I just don't trust him one moment he's the weakest of the weak then after our six-week break he came back with fighting abilities on the same skill level as us"

Pyrrha: "Kouki he just trained for those six weeks it's clear on that even Velzard confirmed it"

As Pyrrha unconscious bend the spoon in her hands on that thought

Ren: "Why are you even complaining? you bugged him about his ability but now that he can fight on par with us, you start complaining"

Kouki: "It just feels unnatural is all"

Sakura: "You sure it's not just jealousy"

Kouki: "It's not it's just no one gets strong that fast that quickly"

Weiss: "As true as that is I don't see a problem"

Kouki turns to Velzard who was eating quietly as he moved closer Velzard stopped and gave a small glace seeing Kouki smile before returning to eating her meal

Kouki: "So Velzard I was wondering after classes end do you w-"

Velzard: "No"

The [queen] shutting Kouki down down as he persists

Kouki: "Calm on it would be fun even the others will join us right Pyrrha"

Pyrrha flinch as she shakes her head

Pyrrha: "Sorry Kouki but I made plans with Jaune"

Kouki: "Wait huh"

Pyrrha: "It's been a while since Jaune and I hung out and I made plans with him sorry"

Kouki: "And the rest of you?"

Ren: "Made plans with Nora"

Nora: "Yup just the two of us"

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