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✩。:*•.───── 🎀 ─────.•*:。✩

THE BELL ECHOED THROUGH the corridors, signaling the start of class. I navigated my way through the familiar routine of depositing my shoes in the locker and exchanging them for school slippers.

The rhythmic beats of my favorite music canceled out all sorts of conversations around me as I strolled towards my classroom.

In class, I diligently wrote down some notes, capturing every important detail the teacher presented. The boring class couldn't compete with the song that secretly played in my ears during classes.

It wasn't until the lunch bell rang that I exited the classroom. I slipped away from the classroom, seeking peace in the outdoor air.

As I walked through the hallways, lost in my own world, a sudden tug on my shoulder disrupted my musical peace.

A voice, irritated, demanded my attention. "Hey!! I was talking to you," an unknown girl snapped, her annoyance visible. I showed my earbuds with a polite bow, "Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the music."

"Stupid," she muttered.

Without warning, my earbuds were crushed to the floor, meeting under her foot. Laughter echoed in the background, creating an unwelcome audience for this uncomfortable scene. I gazed back at her, my expression more bored than bothered.

"She just crushed your precious earphones. What are you gonna do?" One of her friends taunted, the mockery in her tone very much visible. The hallway came to a standstill as everyone tried to take away the mean girls.

Suddenly, my head collided with the hard wall, with an unexpected force. "She's talking to you! Reply to her!" The third girl of the group barked, aggression dripping from every word. It hurts was all I could think of.

Enough was enough.

I rose from the floor, facing them, my anger visible, replacing the friendly smiley girl.

When I turned to confront them, shock and horror painted their faces.

"What is wrong with you guys...!" I exclaimed; my frustration evident.

"You deserve it, anyway, ur just a pretty face," The leader of the girls sneered.

"I've had enough of this. Screw it," I chuckled, a hint of defiance in my voice.

In a sudden burst of unexpected strength, I punched the leader of the group, slamming her against the floor. Her friends backed away scared. Laughter escaped my lips as I reveled in the turn of events. "What happened?" I mocked. "What happened to your confident, strong personalities?"

IN THE SHADOWS ᝰ.ᐟ MIYA OSAMUWhere stories live. Discover now