Prologue: Dark Plans

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Somewhere in the isolated canyon lies a giant fortress. It was filled with so much machinery that there was hardly any hint of green or any form of beauty. What makes this more unpleasant is the amount of pollution being administered into the air. The toxic is deadly, and poisonous to any form of life. Because of this, acidic rain pours down, vegetation is impossible to grow, and any form of life dies within.

Inside the fortress, the only movements there are metallic life. These robots comes in many different shapes and sizes. Most of them are purely mechanical. Some takes the form of Anthropomorphic Animals, being stripped from flesh and blood and replaced by cold metal and dirty oil.

One of the animals were taken by the 2 robots and taken into a strange and yet sinister looking machine with a glass tube. The animal was thrown in and the glass closed, trapping the creature inside. Scratching and banging on the glass for mercy. This fell to deaf ears as the robots were ignoring the plea and following their command: Roboticize all life.

One of them pressed the button, causing an ominous humming from the machine. The animal knew what was happening and tried desperately to escape, but to no avail. Soon, a bright light along with smoke covered the area. After the smoke cleared and the light dispersed, there inside the glass was no longer the animal of flesh, but a robotic animal, forever a slave.

Somewhere on top of the building was a room with monitors upfront, revealing almost everything withing the fortress. In the middle of the room is a mechanical throne, is a man. A man who possesses a bald, conical head, a dark orange and long mustache under his nose and black eyes with red irises, as well as wearing a red and black outfit. This man's heart is as cold as any iron and darker than any night. Cruel, sadistic, ruthless, and hates life except his machines and pollution.

On the side was a smaller looking human who wore green instead of red, no mustache, several strands of hair left on his head, and a pointy nose.

These were Dr. Robotnik, and Snivley. And out of all the villains, these two (mostly Robotnik) are one of the most cruel and darkest villains ever.

"Roboticization process on prisoner #6324 completed, sir." Said Snively.

Robotnik just chuckled with sadistic joy. "It just brings tears to my eyes. Wouldn't you agree, Snively?"

"Of course, sir." He then brought out a sheet. "By the way, we found him."

"You have?" Robotnik stood up. "Excellent. Where is he?"

Snively then pressed a button on the board and the screen flickered before showing a picture of Stanton Keene getting on a plane. "He's on the planet called Earth. It appears he's flying to Wuhu Island. Mostly like relaxing."

Robotnik got a closer look at Stan and grinned with nasty teeth. "Finally. My perfect weapon. If the legend of the GamerKnight is true, then if I can control him, all of Mobius will be mine. The Freedom Fighters along with that hedgehog will fall. And soon, everything will belong to me, Dr. Robotnik." He then started laughing like a madman, as the image froze to Stan in his armor.

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