Chapter 3: Attempted Rescue

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Neo was almost gagging. The air stinks of toxins, exhausts, and oil, making it hard to breath. And the smell is proof over what he is seeing: Dead plants, hardly any clean elements, and dark clouds preventing the sun from shining on the ground. This was horrible. How could anyone survive this? How can anyone stand the smell? Not wanting to smell it anymore, he grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around his face to cover his nose and mouth. It worked, but not as strong as any form of gas mask. Still, this was enough.

"God. This is hell." Neo said to himself. "Is this what Robotnik does? Is he that oblivious, or does he simply not care?" Neo sighed as he just walked out in the middle of nowhere.

To make this even more difficult, the wizard, Lazaar, stripped him of his powers until he fulfill his promise to stop Robotnik and save this world by collecting these so-called Chaos Emeralds. He even has a radar to help him out.

Almost anyone would forget about it and leave

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Almost anyone would forget about it and leave. But Neo was not one of them. For one, if this continues, there's a chance that this tyrant might get to his world next. And another is that Stan is captured. Neo vowed to save him. But with no power and only a radar, Stan's sword, and his fighting moves, Neo was going to need a miracle for this.

Minutes turned into hours as he continued. Eventually, he stopped at a small cave on his way to rest. And as he got there, he was clear sparkling water that has not been tainted yet. Neo quickly got a few slurps from it our of thirst. Plus, he had a small thermos he was carrying with him during the time before Metal Sonic attacked. He filled it to the brim so that he can have some when he needs it. He was so glad to see at least something clean. But how long until it's poisoned by Robotnik?

While he was resting, he pulled out Stan's GamerKnight sword and examined it. It was no doubt light and strong. Its edges were very sharp that it can almost cut through the hardest known metal. With this tool in his possession, Neo would have to rely on it through his journey. That meant he would have to practice with it. And So he did. With an open space in the cave, he began practicing maneuvers and strikes so that he could be ready. Even using his martial arts he learned from his old guardian to help him. It was not as difficult as he thought since it was not real heavy.

He then pictured a scenario where he is facing off against Metal Sonic and tried to think of a way to win. But he was not that naive. He knew that Metal Sonic's speed was unlike anything he had ever seen before. So every scene he imagined, he sees the metal foe winning due to its speed and this unusual power called Chaos. As time goes on in imagination, Neo got more and more frustrated that he couldn't even think of a way. Eventually, it got to the point where he pierced the sword hard onto the ground while screaming.

"GOD DAMMIT!" Neo shouted without care. "THIS IS HOPELESS!"

Then, as he was venting, he heard a sound of wheezing somewhere close. Fearing that he was spotted, he pulled the sword out and walked towards the mouth of the cave to see something moving. It looked like an Anthro. And whoever it was was walking slowly as if it was on the verge of collapse. As the Anthro got closer, Neo knew who it was.

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