Chapter 6: Fateful Meeting

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Neo and Fay were speechless. Stan's sword just started to act strange. And now, now in front of them is an Anthro that manifested from the very blade.

 And now, now in front of them is an Anthro that manifested from the very blade

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"Neo. What or who is that?" Fay whispered.

"Not sure. This never happened before." Neo whispered back.

The strange looking Anthro had a glowing outer edge and what looks like a tribal dress that is similar to a princess dress. It looked like a female as well. This strange new Anthro looked around and stopped at Neo.

"Scanning...processing...scan complete. You are not a GamerKnight. And yet, I feel I can trust you. Who are you?" The Anthro asked.

"Uh...I...I'm Neo. Neo Phoenix." Neo responded. "But...who are you? What are you?"

"Oh. I see. I am sorry. But I only serve the GamerKnight. Therefore, I cannot assist you." The Anthro stated.

"Excuse me." Fay raised her hand. "Hey. I'm Fay. Stan's friend. He's a GamerKnight you were talking about."

"Stan?" The Anthro closed her eyes and started meditating. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes. "Ah. Stanton Keene. You speak the truth. Can you take me to him?"

"That's the thing: He's captured and we're trying to save him." Neo said. "He dropped the sword after getting captured. I'm a-"

"Phoenix Knight. Yes." The Anthro nodded. "My sensors confirmed you are one. And yet...your powers are...sealed."

"It's a very long story. But I'm Stan's best friend."

"Does he trust you?"


The Anthro then hovered around Neo, examining him. This made him nervous. The Anthro stopped in front of him and smiled. "Situation accepted. Neo Phoenix. Until you save my master, I will assist you. Tell me, did you reactivated me?"

"Reactivated you?" Neo asked in confusion.

"Yes. You reactivated me with Chaos." The Anthro nodded.

"Ok ok. Back up. Tell me what is going on. Who are you? What are you? And what Chaos?" Neo asked.

The Anthro tilted her head while swinging her tail. "You mean you don't know?"

"Does it sound like he knows?" Fay asked in a rhetorical tone.

"Apologize. I did not realize the circumstances." The Anthro then cleared her throat. "I am the Spirit of the GamerKnight sword. I am Sabrina. And as for your third question, there is quite a history towards it if you care to listen."

Neo and Fay looked at each other. They then looked back as Neo asked. "If it's ok with you, can we get the others to come? They are the Freedom Fighters and they're helping us as well."

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