Chapter 7: Angel Island

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Neo was panting while having bruises and scrapes all over his body. In his hand was a wooden sword used for practice against Antoine.

Antoine thought it would be a good idea to prepare Neo to learn how to use a sword properly in the event he was all alone in the next mission. Neo wanted to use Stan's sword since it had Sabrina as a sword spirit and assistant, but the coyote wanted him to learn with a regular practice weapon before using the real thing. And for once, Neo was glad to listen to him.

Bam. Antoine hit Neo once again. This was the 40th time already since they started training, and Sonic and Bunnie were watching all of it. The blue hedgehog couldn't help but chuckle at this while Bunnie tried to shush him.

"Agh." Neo said as he fell.

"You know what your problem is?" Antoine asked.

"You acting like a douche?" Neo said sarcastically.

"Very funny." Antoine said. "But your real problem is that you are rushing to far without thinking ahead. You're not in complete control of your emotions. As a result, you are predictable." He turned around. "Try again."

Neo was fuming right now. In all his years of having teachers, this guy was the worst so far. To him, Antoine was not helping at all, but rather enjoying himself by beating the depowered Phoenix Knight over and over again. Losing control again, Neo rushed towards him, only for Antoine to move aside and causing the knight to fall into a muddy ditch. Sonic burst out laughing. And Bunnie, who was on Neo's side, could not help but laugh as well.

"Of all the students I've trained, you are the worst. Even thought you are only one student I've trained so far but you get the point." Antoine said as he helped Neo back up. This was the last straw.

"Why do you enjoy beating me?! Is it because you don't trust me!?" Neo asked angrily.

But before Antoine could respond, Silver arrived. "You guys! Come quick!"

"What is it, sugarhog?" Bunnie asked.

"It's Sally. She has a new mission for us."

"All right!" Sonic smiled and dashed towards the hut.

"Well, I guess we'll have to practice later." Antoine said.

"I doubt it." Neo whispered to himself.

* * *

"A floating Island?" Neo asked.

"Yes. An Island that use to be part of a Mystic Ruins from the Echidna Tribe. But with the Master Emerald in place, It got separated from the rest of the land mass and is now above us. Hence why it is called, Angel Island." Sally explained as she displayed an image of the island itself. ()

"Rumor has it that the last of the tribe lives on the island, but they have not been heard of since." Rotor added.

"But we know on knucklehead that lives on that floating rock." Sonic said.

"And the Chaos Emerald is there on the island?" Neo asked.

"Not just that. We have received word that Snively is there as well. Most likely he's trying to beat us to it." Rotor said.

"Well he's not going to win this race." Sonic then looked at his fox friend. "Tails. Is it ready?"

"And just in time too." Tails answered. "Follow me."

As they all went outside, Rotor stopped Neo in his tracks. "Here. We managed to fill this sword up with just enough Chaos Energy to last for the whole mission." He said as he offered Neo the sword.

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