Chapter 10: Master of Chaos

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Neo felt a lot better after getting his frustration off of his chest. Thanks to Sabrina's talk, Neo was now more focused and less distracted. Therefore, he was able to train really well against Antoine, leaving the coyote speechless and impressed.

"Well done! Keep up the stance. Remember: The sword is like an extension of your own arm. But don't rely solely on it's power alone. You must become one with it." Antoine stated.

"Trust me. I know. But thanks." Neo smiled back as he was still clashing swords with him.

Behind the fence, Sabrina was observing Neo's training. She was impressed by his fast progress after the talk. But she was not smiling. She was sad. Sad that her master is out there. As a spirit of the sword, she wanted to meet him and fight alongside him. But Neo would have to do until that happens. She was not complaining. She just wish to meet Stan.

"Something on your mind?" Fay asked as she was walking by.

"Oh. Hello Fay. I was just observing Neo's training." Sabrina said while trying to hid her problems now.

Fay can tell. She stopped and walked up close to her. "Girl. Something is troubling you. Is it about Stan?"

"How did you know?" Sabrina asked in shock.

"You're his sword."

"Sword spirit. But yes. I...I wish to meet him." Sabrina sighed and looked at Fay. "I have no record of him yet in my databank. Tell me. What is he like?"

Fay knew she hit the nail on the head. But for the spirit to ask about what her master is like truly meant she longs to meet him. So Fay cleared her throat and explained.

"You see, Stanton Keene is a kindhearted human who loves Anthros. His only wish is for both Humans and Anthros to coexist peacefully together. He was raised by a Wolf and had a God Mother with God Sisters. He is also a nerd who like to play games and does artwork. He and Neo shared a brother like bond and were facing threats together as Knights of Fire and Light."

"I see. Well, Neo told me about Stan facing so many problems with friends. Was it because of his mental condition?" Sabrina Asked.

Fay suddenly felt saddened. "Unfortunately, yes. His Bipolar has gotten worse and suffered from PTSD from a very young age. Most people who are unaware of this assumed he was toxic. But he didn't mean it. One friend in particular decided to leave him and it nearly broke Stan."

"Who was that?"

"Goes by the name, Ace. Ace and Stan were friends for a long time. But Ace got annoyed by him and cut ties. Don't know where he's at right now, but I say good riddance. He was an asshole in my book. But Stan never felt the same again until he meet Neo. Neo helped him feel better. But the memories still hunts him to this day."

Sabrina was speechless. If this was true, then why would someone ignore a plea for help? And why won't they accept his condition as something that can't be controlled.

"I am so sorry. Now I wish to meet him." Sabrina said as she looked up at the sky.

"And you will. Trust me." Fay said as she placed her hand on Sabrina's Shoulder, even if it fazed through her. "Oh. Still trying to get your energy back?"

"Negative. I am operating at peak performance. I am just conserving my energy for dire circumstances." Sabrina suddenly paused as she felt something. She then turned to Neo and Antoine. "NEO! I AM DETECTING A CHAOS EMERALD!"

Both men stopped and looked at her. Neo then spoke. "Already?! Where at?"

Up in the air, Tails was flying the plane with Neo, Sonic, and Sally. Before that, they were at the briefing room where Sabrina asked them to meet up. Apparently, she detected another Chaos Emerald within the Dark Swamp area. It was on the other side of both Knothole and Robotropolis. But knowing that it's closer to the latter, Sally decided to go there with Sonic, Tails, and Neo since they may get there faster. Silver was a good choice, but he was need to remain defending their home in case the enemy decides to attack.

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