Chapter 11: Mining Stop

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After returning back to Knothole, Neo decided to rest since he was worn out from his mission. While resting, his memories continues to taunt him. With his very good memory being a double-edge sword, He is constantly reminded of his failure to save Stan, failure to stop Shadow, and his failure to retrieve the Chaos Emerald. He understood it was a lesson, but he still felt bad.

Sabrina appeared, looking concerned. "Please don't feel bad. We still have 3 emeralds."

"I know. But I wish it was so simple." Neo sighed.

"We still have time. Don't worry."

Neo sighed and turned over on the bed. Feeling the tiredness taking effect, he was unable to keep his eyes from closing. He soon went into a sleep.

"Neo. Wake up."

Neo's eyes shot wide open instantly. He looked over to see Silver standing next to him. Neo yawned and got out of bed to see it is dark outside.

"How long was I asleep?" He asked.

"Approximately 6 hours, 32 minutes, 12 seconds." Sabrina stated.

Neo was speechless. He knew he was tired, but this was whole new. Maybe he was exhausted from his missions and training. Maybe he didn't sleep well because of his nightmares. But whatever the case may be, Neo surely took one that is much needed. "Jeez. I was tired."

"Sorry about that. But we need you. Another mission has been popped up." Silver explained.

"Is it a Chaos Emerald?" Neo asked.

"Not quite. But it's just as important." Silver said.

"How so?"

"That could cripple Robotnik's plan." Answered a voice from the door. It was Sally with Sonic. "Neo. I'll explain on the way. Get ready. We're heading out in 5 minutes."

Neo nodded and got prepared. Sally and the others left, leaving Neo alone with the Sword spirit. Sabrina can tell Neo was feeling in the gray area about this mission. On one hand, antagonizing the tyrant would be enjoyable. But on the other, he wouldn't get a step closer to saving his friend. Neo had hoped for the emerald, or at least any info on Stan's location. But alas, nothing.

"Neo. We will save Stan. I am certain of it." Sabrina reassured him.

"I hope this mission will have any info on his condition, and or his whereabouts. Cause I can't imagine him losing it right now." Neo said as he got his shoes on.

"We'll save him."

"We will."

A few minutes later, A group of Freedom Fighters were heading towards their destination of their mission. The group consists of Neo, Sonic, Sally, Antoine, and Rotor. The rest stayed behind to keep their home safe.

"Ok. So Nichole informed us that there is a disturbance in the eco-system. Trees are starting to decay and grounds are starting to rip apart. And what's more, there are more frequent changed near Robotropolis." Sally explained.

"Yea. And you can guess that egghead is up to no good as usual." Sonic added.

"So Robotnik is doing this to get back at us?" Neo asked.

"That would be the case since he is like a sore loser. But I doubt it is." Sonic stated.

"Near the area is the ancient Crystal Mining facility. We never got the chance to mine it since it was not necessary. But now Robotnik has control over it and is mining crystals there. At first we thought it was a Chaos Emerald. But it could be more." Rotor added.

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