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Challenge No.83 - Just Keep Rolling.

Write a scene or story that takes place at a roller-skating rink.


After twelve months of erosion, Kyle had finally... finally, gotten Evelyn to agree to a date with him. She was a confident, formidable woman as most Caribbean females were. She attracted him greatly, but as in charge as she was, as the older in the pair by fifteen years, she wasn't that enthusiastic about dating a younger man. Much less consider a relationship with one! That was one line too many for her personal philosophy.

Faint heart never won a fair hand and Kyle was not going to settle for friends. So! The immovable object was going to meet the irritable force.

And now... after twelve months, she'd said yes. Amen and hallelujah. Now he had to plot the first date. First dates were the barometer that all else got measured against. It was the make or break, the gateway to second and third or maybe no dates. At forty this was not Kyle's first date. He'd lost count. But this one had to be the one to get him through the door to Evelyn.

Pick up had been a negotiation.

"Why?" Evelyn demanded. "I have a vehicle. I can get myself there and back. Wherever 'there' is."

"That's the whole point. It's a surprise." Kyle had explained... again.

"The date is a surprise and the PLACE is a surprise too?"


"Stop grinning at me... I don't understand."

"Good." His grin deepened. He realized that he was in love with her, as one way as it seemed.

"Oh alright. See you at seven."

Round one went to him.

He'd been at her door on the dot of seven. "You look nice." He said.


"Well, I'd say beautiful, but I didn't want to push my luck." He smiled as she chuckled.

"Well sir, I'm yours to escort."

"Yes, ma'am!"

They boarded his SUV and headed south. Chattering the whole way, punctuated now and then with Evelyn trying to guess the destination and Kyle refusing to tell.

They arrived. Her eyes popped. "The new skating rink!"

"I hope you like." Now he worried.

"It will certainly be interesting. I've never skated before."


"Never. My first lesson will be at the age of fifty-five."

"I'll teach you."

They exited the vehicle. Kyle retrieved two pairs of roller skates.

"I see you came prepared."

"Oh yes." He handed her a pair.

Inside, he paid the entry fee and they changed footwear. With their regular shoes in the locker the drama started.

"I'm going to fall," Evelyn predicted.

"Not on my watch." Kyle threatened.

They spent a hilarious date teaching and learning how to skate. There were many mishaps but no falls.

"Ready?" He asked.

Evelyn nodded. "My first solo flight."

"I'll be right next to you."

The couple made a loop around the rink.


"Proud of you. From novice to expert."

"Hardly an expert. For that, I need further lessons." She held his gaze.

And just like that, Kyle got a second date.

© 22 May 2022

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