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Challenge No. 90 - The Transformation.

Write a story in which something transforms into something else.


Saint Lucia, paradise isle of sun, sea and surf... except when it rained. The three friends found themselves holed up in a hut deep in the forest with the hope of a hunt that was not to be.

"So much for that." Pamela poured herself yet another cup of coffee.

"Maybe we should try another weekend," Carol suggested.

"I'd like the rain to pause a bit before I have to step out there," Candice stated.

"Anyone for coffee?" Pam held up the pot.

"If I wasn't already dark, I've drank enough to get me there." Carol held up her mug, indicating yes.

"What's there to do? Just sit around drinking coffee?" Candice accepted yet another mug of the brew.

"I was really hoping for something this visit." Pam dropped into a nearby chair.

"And while we wait?" Carol prompted.

"Candice can try out her hypnosis tricks with us. Nothing else to do. No TV, no radio, no internet." Pam replied.

"Just rain." Carol chuckled. "Don't forget the rain."

"Who's volunteering for hypnosis? By the way, it's no trick." Candice rubbed her hands together.

"I'll go. Was my idea."

"Great. Move over here to the sofa and get comfy." Candice instructed.

With Pam relocated, they started. Candice used a pen to focus her friend's attention and soon Pam was under.

"Now what?" Carol asked.

"Run her through the paces."

"Yes. But what?"


"Sounds good."

Pam clucked like a chicken, barked like a dog, chirped like a cricket, and purred like a cat. The crack of thunder jolted them all and Pam was snapped out of the trance. "What!"

"Getting worse," Carol told her.

"The Met didn't forecast a storm. I checked." Candice said.

"Well, there it is," Carol said as she watched Pam. "What're doing?"

"Hmmm?" Pam was rubbing up on the sofa.

Later that night there was a racket in the kitchen.

"What's going on!" Candice came running.

"Everyone alright?" Carol joined them.

They stared at Pam who had a wriggling mouse in her hand. "Hey." She said as she threw it out the window. "I think the rain has stopped."

"You ok?" Carol asked.

"Suuuuure." Pam purred.

"Candice, something doesn't feel right," Carol warned.

"I know." They watched as Pam skilfully jumped onto the outside balcony railing, walked with the utmost confidence along its full length then lightly jumped off without once losing her balance. "I know," Candice repeated.

"Pam? Come inside." Carol urged cautiously as Pam eyed her then snarled.

"I don't believe I'm going to say this." Carol signed. "Here Kitty, Kitty."

To their amazement, Pam responded to the traditional call.

"That's right." Carol sat and Pam gracefully came to her.

"Do it," Carol ordered with great care. There was too much cat in Pam for her liking.

Slowly and gently, Candice held up the pen and tried to hypnotize her friend again. Pam reached out to play. But eventually, Candice got the job done.

She flopped onto the floor. "I'm never doing that again."

© 29 May 2022

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