Switching sides part 3<3

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 Why is that picture of Wilbur at the top so fine like quackity let me take yo mans 😍)  tw: abuse )Wilbur stumbled alarmed at the footsteps he wasn't scared just a bit pressured he quickly scrambled to the bed it quietly creeking and went into a sleep position he closed his eyes wishing the person who was walking pass the door  already left he checked the phone that was charging from an outlet he took out the charger letting it fall to ground it made clickish sound as it dropped Wilbur looked at the time 4:00 almost time for school he thought looking around the room (In his mind) "quackitys room is so small he said looking around it. He got up from the bed it creaking again he jumped off from the bed regretting that because it scratched his leg a bit he felt so slim he disliked it a bit but it was fine he walked up to a desk and stared at it it showed a small Mexican with black hair and tired blue eyes he had bruises around his legs and arms Wilbur couldn't help to feel sorry for his crush wondering why he was so tired and bruised up he walked over to a drawer opening it seeing a blue hoodie and some black pants and some other clothes he picked out those and changed into the clothes he picked he looked around for things he noticed quackity weared he grabbed a blue bracelet quackity wore and a single glove he put  those on looking for the other two things he wore he found his blue beanie and the ring he wore he applied it on his free hand's finger he grabbed his backpack and put it on and grabbed his phone and charger he head out feeling a cold breeze he wondered where his parents were and heard some snoring to answer his question he walked over to a door and opened it revealing a bathroom he grabbed a blue toothbrush from the sink (he just had a feeling ykyk) he grabbed some toothpaste putting it on the brush he wet  the toothbrush and turned off the water and brushed his teeth.

Quackitys pov: I stepped outside the room looking around it was a big house he continued to stare around it then he stopped to put the puppy down he walked back into the room checking the time 4:43 "fuck" he muttered he looked around the place looking for a drawer and things wilbur wore he walked over to drawer and opened it looking at a black turtleneck and some light blue jeans he quickly grabbed those putting them on and grabbed a red beanie he looked around for a brown coat and saw it hanging from a desk he grabbed it putting it on and grabbed his backpack  he also found a gold necklace it looked cute so he wore it then he ran out of the room into a bathroom and he grabbed a toothbrush and put on some toothpaste he ran out running down the stairs into a living room heading outside he ran to a white car surrounded by other cars he went inside a white car he knew it was Wilbur's he always drove it to school  and he started up the car and drove out he drived tapping on the wheel a bit he looked around for any cars and drove when there wasn't any he was a pretty good driver to be honest he arrived at the school parking lot and parked in a spot.

Wilbur's pov: I walked down some stairs still hearing the parents snoring in the other room he looked in the kitchen to see a small little boy in the kitchen with a very pretty girl the little boy was sitting on the table as the girl was making boiled eggs the little boy gooed when I came in he tried to say brother but said brathor brathor! The little boy yelled the girl shushed the little boy staring at quackity "hey bro you hungry?" "No I'm fine" he replied "cmon just eat please just for me you haven't eaten in weeks".. the girl said a sad glance appeared on her face "ok I'll eat" he said confused questions flowed in his mind has quackity not been eating? He thought as he walked to go sit down at the table He sat staring at the taller girl she looked around 19 ish she also had bruises to as she was about to say something since the walls were so shady it sounded like someone just got up the girl flinched at the noise taking the boiled eggs that were done out and looked nervous I was confused not knowing what was going on the the little boy that was sitting down looked scared also a male walked down the stairs he was medium sized he looked old and like a predator he grunted looking angry "damn you kids!" He yelled making me flinch the little boy  crawled over to me reaching out to me I picked him up patting his back I kinda understood what was happening now the man yelled "people are trying to sleep up there and why are you kids up so early!" he yelled "I- s-sir I was j-j-just c-cooking-" the girl said scared the man came up to the girl and hit her "no one told you to talk you mutt!" He said anger appearing into his eyes the girl flinched almost falling. 

Will wilbur do something?? What's going on?!

Ah decided to update this for u guyss and the quackity part was rushed TvT so I updated it I hope you guys enjoyed it I did some little tweeks but it's alright I hope u have a a nice morning, evening, afternoon or night! ily guys so muchh you guys are the best!<3

 1,014 :DD words

You guys make my dayy ily and ily and ily soooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhh I couldn't do anything without u guys ur the bestttt like u guys really are the best-

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