Two oblivious fuckers

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"What are you doing here this early?"

"What do you mean?" Asami looked at her, confused. "It's the day of the flight."

Korra rubbed sleep out of her eyes, looking at her clock. "Its six AM Sams, the flight is in twelfth hours... I havn't even packed!"

"Oh shoot, is it really the time?" Asami seemed surprised. "Dunno, I've been awake for hours."

"What a sad life you live," Korra said in a serious tone.

"Anyways, it's a good thing I'm here given how you didn't pack," Asami said, half scolding, "I mean, the flight is less then twenty four hours away... what were you thinking?"

"I was going to wake up at a normal time like a normal person and pack it, what's the big deal?" Korra shrugged as Asami walked in with her suitcase.

"What if you miscalculate the time you need to pack and we end up missing our flight?" Asami argued.

"Then we take the next one," Korra answered, closing her apartment's door , "but it won't happen, I only really require my bathroom utensils, my nice pantsuit and my switch. I have everyday clothes over there."

"That still fit you?" Asami asked, shocked.

"Most of them are too big honestly," Korra admitted, "I... lost some of weight after the war."

"Okay, so here's what we're gonna," Asami said in a more bossy tone, which Korra did not mind. "We're going to pack you some fine-ass outfits that are your actual size and fit you well, because otherwise compared to me you'll look like a handbag, understood?"

"Are you calling me ugly?" Korra asked, faking offense.

Asami chuckled. "No," she answered softly, "what I meant was that I really went all out picking my clothes. Seriously, I'm gonna look good as fuck."

Immediately, that brought a smile to Korra's face. "Yeah?" She found it easy to believe, Asami always looked really fucking sexy. "You brought nice things to wear for me?"

"Hold up," Asami raised her hands, slightly taken aback, "I didn't say I did this for you."

"It's in the subtext, honey," Korra said in a teasing manner, "you're taking this vacation because of me, hense everything you do in context to said vacation is because of me. You wanna look good for me, city girl?"

"Ew." Asami emphasized, but she wasn't fooling nobody. Korra saw the pink tint to her cheeks. "Don't flatter yourself."

"I won't the moment you stop lying to yourself," Korra shot back with a smirk.

Asami rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna roam through your closet, see if you have anything nice there," she informed rather than asked, "I'll catch you after that?"

"Can I go to sleep in the meantime?" Korra said hopefully.

"No." Asami answered, bemused.

"But whyyyy?" She whined.

"If I have to pack your bag, you gotta suffer too," Asami said, then raised her hands in a fake surrender, "sorry buddy, I don't make the rules."

"Well, that's just a plain lie," Korra mumbled, "I'll be here then."

"I assumed," Asami said, walking over to Korra's room, "have fun! Or suffer in silence!"

Korra rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. She stood there for a few seconds, contemplating her options of entertainment while Asami did her thing. She also considered helping Asami, since she was packing for her, but she had a gut feeling that her taste or rather lack of taste in fashion would only get in Asami's way.

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