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Asami couldn't say she completely remembered the events leading up to her sitting on Korra's bed with a blanket wrapped around her and a cup of hot chocolate, but there she was. She pretty much blacked out when Shaozuo said hi to her, and only came back to reality when he got punched in the face by none other than her girlfriend. Truly she regretted not remembering why Korra did that, she assumed it would have been pretty entertaining, but Asami was a forgetful person when it came to her past. At least that's what her therapist says. 

"Is this fine? Are you comfortable?" Korra asked, worried. 

"Hm?" Asami snapped out of her haze. "Oh, yeah, very much so. Thank you." She genuinely said. 

"Of course," Korra softly replied, "just stay comfortable, and let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks," Asami repeated, brewing in her hot chocolate, "I'm just… Thinking." 

"I understand." Korra nodded. 

Asami kept quiet for a couple of seconds, her eyes still locked on the drink. She wasn't really sure what happened, and didn't know how to approach the situation. Maybe she should've told Korra before, instead of her finding out this way. 

Or, maybe Korra didn't figure it out? Maybe he said something hurtful, and that's why Korra punched him? She couldn't tell. Her only way of finding out would be asking, and she wasn't too keen on doing that. She wasn't even sure she wanted to know the answer. 

"How…" Asami trailed off, swallowing audibly. "Why did you punch him?" she managed to ask, just barely.

Korra cracked a smile at that, but it was not a happy smile by any means. "What do you mean?" She asked. "He was obviously a creep."

Asami smiled back, though like Korra, her smile wasn’t sincere. "That he is." She agreed, taking a zip of her choco.

"You don't have to tell me. " Korra firmly said. "Well, you can, I'll always be happy to listen to you, but you absolutely don't have to."

"No, I should've told you beforehand," Asami sighed, "you were already so open and honest with me… It's unfair that I wasn't, I'm sorry."

"It's not the same thing. " Korra argued, her tone staying as soft as ever. "And I didn't tell you, it's more like I expanded on a subject you found out yourself."

At that, Asami laughed. "I guess there's a pattern here," she joked.

"Yeah," Korra agreed with half a smile, "whoever's writing the script to our lives should really get more creative." She light heartedly joked. 

Asami hummed in approval. "Regardless, even if I'm only telling you because god seems to hate me, I still should've told you long ago." She concluded.

"You don't have to say something you're uncomfortable with," Korra promised, "so don't feel obligated to share details or events that you don't want to bring up."

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