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Being back in the US for the last year had somehow made Mo feel more at home than she had been in England. Probably because she had been used to it more, and her old 'home' had somewhat changed.
Working under UK government orders had put pressure on her, so much that she had told them that she would be 'retiring from duty'. They hadn't been happy but at the same time there was nothing that they could have done. She had struck a deal that if they released her from her duties then she would return if there ever came a time of dire need. 

Now, one year on from the conversation - she was happily tending to her garden and enjoying some normality again. She had learnt to fly in the last couple of years and now could work technology without any confusion. The jet that the government had provided her with had been her main source of keeping busy, feeling her identity come back to her fully. 

She was always at her happiest when she was in the air. 

Not that she had much reason for use of the jet anymore. Just when she was flying back and forth to London. 

This place. This home though? It was her sanctuary. 

Her mobile buzzed as she came in from the garden after hanging out the washing. 

Colonel Rhodes. 

"Hello James". She answered in usual fashion. 

"Mo, I'm glad you answered - have you got a minute?" Rhodey asked. 

Mo could sense some kind of urgency in his voice and frowned. "I do...Colonel is there something the matter?" 

"I know you're technically in a second round of retirement, but we've got a situation over here that is anything but good. I could really use your help..." 

"I see..."

Rhodey paused for a moment. "Tony's missing, but there's something else - the guys who he went after we think were after Vision". 

Mo sat herself down on one of the kitchen chairs. "I see...and do we know who they are?" 

"Turn on your TV, it's all over the news". 

Grabbing the remote, she now saw just what they could be dealing with. "And why do you think they were after Vision?" 

"Because of that pretty little stone in his head. They want it. Of course the only person who can find Vision is Steve, but he's not here, so you're gonna have to be the next best thing". 

She sighed. "Where was he last tracked to. I'm gathering you have some sort of thing that shows where he is". Of course he did, however Rhodey wouldn't have confided in Ross about that tiny detail. They were long past the events from two years ago. Even he agreed that the accords were a bad call. 


"S'pose I'd better go get my shield out of storage then".

Rhodey chuckled. "I'm sorry...I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't desperate". 

"And what about Tony?" 

"I'm working on that, leave him with me". 

Mo stood up. "I'll let you know if and when I find them - If Vision is anywhere then Wanda will be by his side." 

"Have you had any contact with Steve?" Rhodey now asked. "He sent Tony a phone with a number to call if he ever needed him, but...yeah...we've had nothing". 

"None, which is understandable as he wanted to protect me, and to perhaps give me time to come into my own. Unfortunately, I don't know if he'll think I've changed as I've adapted, but that's whether or not I'll have the chance to see him again - it's not exactly the start to married life that we had hoped for".

"He'll come back. If I know Steve then he won't give up, just like I know you wouldn't either". 

Mo smiled to herself weakly. "I could never give up on him, but I just hope that he's ok out there". 

Ending the call with Rhodey, she gathered everything that she needed, now taking her shield that had been out of action for a while and staring at it. Hopefully she wouldn't need to use it, but she couldn't take any chances. 
The location of where Vision had been been now was sent to her and on finding a good landing site near the area, she locked the house up and made for the jet. 

It was was time to bring Vision back to safety, and Mo could only hope that Rhodey could locate and bring Tony home too. 

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