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Helen arrived the next afternoon, complete with her equipment.

"How is she doing?" She asked Steve as she gave him a hug and walked inside. 

"Bit nauseous, she didn't really touch her breakfast this morning". He explained. His wife had sat down and after a few minutes pushed her plate away.

Helen smiled, "normal for the first trimester, I'll scan today but I'm going to come back every week, just to make sure that growth is on track and not quickening more than normal". She saw his face, "you're both super soldiers, chances are 50/50 in terms of baby inheriting any enhancements through genetics".

"I suppose I should've realised that there's a chance he or she could be like us".

"This is the first naturally conceived child of a super soldier so I want to make sure we give both Mo and the baby the best care. I'll also do some tests at birth,  they'll tell us more then".

Steve smiled, "thanks Helen, and thanks for agreeing to this. I know you're not mainly in this kinda field..."

"No, however with things the way they are at the moment? You'd be lucky to get a doctor at all".

Hospitals were feeling the strain with the lack of medical professionals. Doctors offices had closed or their wait times for appointments were incredibly long. It was chaos everywhere, and his child would be born into that.
Steve wished that it could have been different. Any parent wanted a better world to bring their child into. Before that he and Mo had discussed the possibility of adopting one of the many, many children who were now orphaned through Thanos' actions. There was nothing stopping them from doing that in the future. They were both open to giving an orphaned child a loving home.

Right now though? Their focus was on their own child. He had to be selfish for once. They both did.

"Lizzie, Helen's here". Steve now walked out into the garden. Seeing his wife watering some flowers.

She smiled and put the hose back, following him in.

"Hello Helen" she smiled on greeting her friend. "Never thought we'd be asking this of you".

"No, but we've finally got here - right shall we do the scan in the bedroom? Probably better to have you lying down than hunched on the sofa. Clearer picture and all" Helen suggested, and Mo nodded.

They headed upstairs, Mo taking her place on the bed while Helen set up. 

"Ok, if you just unbutton your dress around the stomach, We'll see just where we're at".

Steve knelt next to the bed, taking Mo's hand and giving it a squeeze. "You ok?"

"Little nervous" she turned her head to him and smiled.

"It'll be ok". He reassured her. "You know it will". 

"Alrighty, let's seeeeeee" Helen ran her scanner across Mo's stomach, pressing a few things in her pad, "very nice...I believe this is what we've been waiting for".

Turning the pad around to show them the screen, Steve and Mo saw the very recognisable image, even if it did seem in between looking like a human and an alien. "Bloody Nora..." Mo breathed as she propped herself up on her elbows to see a little more.

"From the measurements and development it looks like you're around ten weeks. I said to Steve I'm going to be doing weekly check ups to make sure we're measuring correctly, and to check for anything else". Mo looked to Steve worriedly.

"Hey, it's ok - he or she could be like us. We have to be cautious". He kissed her gently.

She nodded, "ok...but is everything ok?" Turning back to Helen

"We're on track with growth, spinal measurements as well as general foetal development. I'd say that the pregnancy will be as normal as it would be for any other woman, but I just want to ensure that you're both taken care of".

Mo took in all the information, "can I see the picture again?" She asked and Helen showed her the scan. Immediately she burst into tears. "And you're sure that's a baby?"

Steve chuckled, "sweetheart, it's most certainly our baby".

"Yep, and no doubt he or she will be a beautiful one too - around sixteen weeks we'll be able to somewhat tell whether you're gonna have a girl or boy". Helen explained. "Week by week you'll notice the changes". 

"Technology's sure come a long way from our time. Years ago they'd have just confirmed and sent you on your way until it was time". Mo smiled lightly, Steve now wiping away some stray tears.

"Come on, no tears - look what we've made". He calmed her gently.

"It's just a little overwhelming".

Helen grinned, "just wait until you hold that baby for real, that's when things start getting very real indeed!"

Steve knew he shouldn't wish the forthcoming months away, but he couldn't wait for the day that he could finally take their child into his arms and hold them for the first time.

Helen developed the picture and passed it to them. "There you go - we're looking good so I'll see you next week and check how we're doing. But for now you look after yourself, rest when you need to - use this guy to your advantage" 

"I think I've done enough of that already".  Mo replied, shooting a knowing look to her husband. 

He smirked in response. "I'll be sure to lecture her if she overdoes things, because that's bound to happen". 

"I wouldn't expect anything less, I'll see you next week". Helen smiled as she gathered her gear and headed downstairs. 

Steve saw her out, leaning against the doorway as the doctor turned back to him to offer her congratulations and say goodbye."Thanks Helen".

"It's my pleasure, any concerns then you let me know, if we keep appointments every Wednesday at around 2pm? Would that be ok?"


"See you next week". 

Steve headed back upstairs where he found Mo looking at the scan picture. He settled himself next to her, arm sliding around her waist. "What do you think it is?" She asked in a daze, still getting her head around the fact that there was a baby growing inside of her. 

"I don't mind, as long as we have a healthy baby, it's all I care about". He turned her head to look at him and kissed her. "You're gonna be amazing sweetheart". His other hand placed itself on her stomach that wasn't yet showing any signs of her condition. 

He wasn't sure how long they sat there for, but he didn't care. Both of them were going to relish in this moment, knowing just how long they had waited for it. 

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