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Six Months Later 

The kettle came to a boil on the stove and Steve poured the water in a cup, making himself a coffee and Mo a tea. She was currently curled up under a blanket on the porch swing, having risen early. Even after all this time they both were still awake at 5am, old habits and all. Steve had noted she'd been restless all night, but chose not to press it. She was still coming to terms with the new way of life they would face as much as everyone else. Of course some days were better than others. 

They'd failed in their task of trying to get Thanos to bring everyone back, and it had ended with Thor's axe then aiming for the head. No one had seen or heard from Asgardian afterwards, everyone having to accept their defeat and go their separate ways. 

Steve and Mo had returned to their home, knowing now they would have only each other. Suits were put away to the back of the closet, Mo's shield also gathering dust. There wasn't any need to pick it up anymore. Steve's? Well he wouldn't have blamed Tony for trying to destroy the thing. 

They had distanced themselves from the others, simply now wanting to try and move on. The feeling of failure was still fresh. For Steve especially. Nat had tried calling however he'd been in no good state of mind to speak to her. He would, but he needed time. They all did. She was still at the compound, trying to take charge of overseeing that any crisis on earth or in the galaxy was dealt with. They had Carol, Rocket, Rhodey, Nebula and Okoye. Steve knew that they were more than capable of sorting things out without him.

He took Mo's cup out to her, seeing her dozing and smiling lightly to himself. She looked comfortable lying there, cushion propping her head up whilst she snuggled underneath the blanket. Placing the cup on the table beside the swing he gently roused her. 


"Hmm?" She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily at him

He crouched down next to her, "You alright?" Now a little concerned . Usually she was energetic by now and flittering about the house, tidying, washing - anything that would occupy her. 

She nodded, tired eyes still looking at him. "I'm fine". 

Steve leant in and kissed her, "I made you some tea, might wake you up a bit". 

Mo laughed lightly but stayed in her position, too comfortable to move. "Thank you". 

He still had concerns and kissed her hand. "Lizzie? You sure you're ok? Only by now you're usually all over the place doing something". 

Her lips turned into a smile. "Everything's fine, no need to worry. I'm just a little tired that's all".

"Are you sure? You're not coming down with something are you?" 

He never got ill, however it was unclear just whether she could with the serum that Hydra had given her. Even during the war he'd never known her to be unwell, and even if she had been then she certainly hadn't shown it. 

Mo simply smiled at him. "Darling...I'm pregnant". 

He blinked. 

Had he just heard her right? 

"What?" His expression filled with disbelief. "Are you sure?" 

She nodded. "I wasn't going to tell you until this afternoon after I'd woken up a little more, but I'm very sure. I have at least four tests that tell me so". 

His mind was spiralling. "How...we stopped Helen's treatment before I left..." 

"I carried on with the medication, I guess I didn't really want to give up fully. She'd given me some new ones to try, apparently with a better formula in them - seems it worked". 

She had never given up on him, or them. Always waiting for him to come back to her in the hopes that they could have this one thing that they truly wanted. 

"My god..." he muttered with a grin. "You're certain?" 

"Helen is popping in tomorrow, but yes - I'm very certain". She half laughed and half let out a sob at the same time, now becoming emotional

He leant in and kissed her again, deeply. Finally the child that they had longed for was growing inside of her. Brushing away her tears, Steve gently rested his forehead against her own. "But you're really, really sure?" He now laughed. 

She also did. "Yes, very! I'm nauseous, a little tired and even though my courses have always been irregular I've not had one - I did the tests this week, I even did one this morning just because I thought it was wrong. But they're all right darling, they all say the same". 

He put his hand to her stomach and grinned at her. "If you haven't guessed, I'm still kinda in shock". 

Geez how he wished that Sam and Bucky were here, they'd be the first ones he'd call with this news, his best friend making some kind of lewd joke. He'd send Nat a message when the time was right of course, but for now? It was for him and his wife to enjoy the moment that they had been waiting for. . 

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