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Steve watched his wife as she hummed happily to herself whilst folding and putting away the mix of baby clothes into the dresser. She had been in her element picking out their daughters wardrobe, which included floral collared dresses, baby grows and a blanket that Peggy had given her before she had died. Clearly the elder Carter sister had faith that this day would come for them both.

He was currently on the floor assembling the cot, which was easier said than done. His eyes went to Mo's ever growing stomach, now considerably larger under her dress as the weeks went by.
Just the other day the baby had kicked and kept pushing her feet out, something that she'd called him over to feel.

He heard his wife sigh happily to herself and smiled warmly. She would cherish this baby as much as he would.

"You should sit down a while sweetheart, you've been on your feet for ages". He told her, screwing a nail into one of the holes and tightening it

She didn't argue with him, and settled herself into the rocking chair, gently rocking back and forth while patting her stomach. Steve could see she was thinking or at least dreaming somewhat. "Lizzie..." he smiled at her as she rolled her head to the side to acknowledge him. "You alright?"

"Just thinking, wondering what she'll look like, be like".

He picked himself up off the floor and walked over to her, leaning down and kissing her hair. "She will be just as brave and beautiful as her mother...probably stubborn too..."

Mo laughed lightly, taking his hand and placing it on her stomach as he knelt down next to the chair. "We have a wriggler, we'll be lucky if she even stays still".

"Another trait of yours, you hate being bored".

She was growing a little nervous, he could tell as the due date grew nearer. And in all honesty? So was he.

"Then let's hope we're wrong and she inherits your calm temperament". Mo replied and then all of a sudden came out with what he had suspected. "I'm a little scared..."

He now took her hand and kissed it. "Everything will be ok".

"But what if it's not?"

"We can't think like that, not after we've come this far". He told her. "You wanna know something?" And saw her nod. "I'm just as nervous as you are, wondering whether I'll be able to do the right things, be as good of a father as I can, whether she'll even like me". He now half laughed at the thought. "What's worse is that I'm scared of not being able to protect her or you - I couldn't help Sam, Bucky, the others...what if I can't protect you both?"

Mo now out a finger to his lips to hush him. "She will adore you just as much as I do, because you are her father and the only man to ever love her first. As for your worries? Perhaps you are right, we can't think like that, but we have to do our best to raise her right in this broken world we have to now live in".

"Wasn't exactly in the game plan of ours was it?"

"Nothing ever was. If we'd have had it our way? We'd have been long gone by now with our army of children and grandchildren serving as a reminder".

Steve nodded silently to himself. "Then I suppose we should do it that way here too".

She smiled tiredly. "Let me pop this one out first and then maybe we can think about rallying more troops".

He kissed her gently once more. "Go rest up, I've got this". Now glancing back at the cot that was half assembled.

"Are you sure?"

"You need rest Lizzie"

Heaving herself from the chair she shook her head. "I will make you a coffee and then I will go and lie down, deal?"

Steve sighed, "fine, deal".

Even now his wife still was showing her rebellious side. Time could not change that.


The next few weeks passed in bliss, along with Steve scolding his wife that she shouldn't be lifting or overexerting herself - all of which she ignored. However on finding it now impossible to bend down and pick things up, she'd given in and slowed down.

Her due date came

And then subsequently passed, now almost a week later, there was still no sign of their daughter wanting to make an appearance.

Helen had told them that they should give it a few more days and if the baby was still refusing, then she would start the induction process.

Sitting in the living room, Steve was flipping through a magazine while Mo was drifting in and out of sleep on the couch. "You alright sweetheart?" He asked when she sat up and groaned slightly.

"Fine, just aches. They've been on and off all day. Helen told me about Braxton hicks but they've been getting a little more intense".

Steve was now on his feet and pulling out his phone. "Geez Lizzie why didn't you tell me?"

"I..." she was cut off as she inhaled deeply as now another strong pain hit her.

"I'm calling Helen". He said, phone already to his ear and waiting for the doctor to ring up.

"Steve, calm down - they're only just becoming more intense, we have time". She told him, now feeling a little more relieved that the pain had subsided.

He didn't hear her, by now Helen had picked up and he was telling her about what had happened".

Mo shook her head to herself and got up, walking to the kitchen to get some water. She'd need to head upstairs and get into something more comfortable, knowing that it could be hours before they would even be able to meet their baby.

That didn't stop the nerves from now rising.

It was a matter of hours until finally they would be the family they had wanted to be.

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