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He hadn't stopped staring.

Even now as Steve held his daughter and admired her in the morning light, this feeling would never go away, and he didn't want it to.

Even at a mere six hours old, Lillian Sarah Rogers already had him wrapped around her little finger. And all she'd had to do was open her eyes and look at him.

He was in love all over again.

Mo had insisted honouring his late mother through her middle name, and they had only really agreed on the baby's full name just days prior. They were still old fashioned at heart and that would never change, so a timeless name that they could shorten to suit this modern world suited their daughter nicely.

Lillian, or in short...Lilli.

He'd not slept for at least twenty four hours now, with Lillian being born just after 3am, he'd decided to simply stay up and take a nap later if needed.

Mo had been sorted out, and once she'd had a cup of tea and fed their daughter, she had drifted off into well deserved sleep - exhausted.

Steve looked back at his wife and smiled to himself. Now they could be the family they'd always desired to be.
Helen had taken the guest room on Steve's offer. He'd not wanted or expected her to travel back after a long night. After everything she had done for them, he was grateful to have both his wife and child safe.

"Ok beautiful, shhhhh". He hushed Lillian as she began to stir, "gotta let mommy sleep a while longer okay?" Pressing a kiss to her tiny head, he walked around with her some more.

"Is she getting hungry?" He now heard Mo's tired voice ask, and turned to see her sit herself up.

"Most likely" he grinned and came over, passing Lillian to her.

The look on her face was almost as lovestruck as his. "Come here my beautiful girl". She beamed and helped her to latch on, both of them watching as their newborn fed.

Resting her head on Steve's shoulder, Mo then looked up at him, her husband placing a small kiss onto her lips. "I never thought we'd have her here".

"Me neither sweetheart, but she is - and just look at her. She's more perfect than I imagined".

"I wouldn't blame you if she were to surpass me when it came to winning the title of your 'best girl'" she grinned

He shook his head, "you'll always be my best girl, but Lilli? She's my best tiny girl", then stroking his daughters head gently. "You hungry?"

"Have you even slept?" She eyes him suspiciously, seeing he looked tired.


Mo rolled her eyes, "I'd much prefer that you come and snuggle with your two best girls then - breakfast can wait, I'm too tired to move or do anything".

He changed and got into bed, putting an arm around her, both of them enjoying their moment of being a family of three.


"Thanks Helen, we really appreciate you bringing Lillian safety to us". Steve said later on that morning as he saw Helen out.

"She's a real beauty - I'll come back in a few days and then make it weekly to check her weight is ok, babies tend to lose some after they're born so if she does it's nothing concerning unless she keeps on losing it. She's healthy though, enjoy every minute of her".

"We've waited a hell of a long time for this so we plan to make the most of it". He said, helping her take her bags to the car.

Saying their goodbyes, she got into the car and headed off. Steve watching and then returning inside.

It was now the three of them against the world, and he was more than prepared to do anything for his wife and daughter.

Lillian was settled and sleeping in her Moses basket in the living room, Mo sitting reading a magazine while taking sips of her tea from the cup on the table next to her.

"Helen will be back a few days to see how you're both doing" he told her as she put the magazine down, quickly checking the baby was ok. "Lizzie...she's ok". He smiled at her constant concern that had appeared.

"I know I just don't want her to be uncomfortable".

He always knew that she would make a wonderful mother, and seeing how she was with Lillian confirmed this. She was all they had ever wanted after all.

"Darling..." her voice broke the train of thought he had. "Three hours isn't enough sleep, why don't you get some more while Lillian is?"

"I should be the one telling you that". He smirked

"You've lectured me enough these last few months, now go nap for a few hours".

He came and sat next to her. "That an order?"

"You forget that I was a Captain before you, so yes - it is".

Leaning in, their lips met. "I love it when you think you have authority over me".

"Once upon a time I did". She laughed quietly.

"Oh yeah? What happened?"

"You gained some and I found that I preferred disobeying orders from you much more".

Steve smirked against her lips, "is that right? Well I know for a fact that you won't disobey this next order".

"And what's that Captain?"

"Kiss me". He commanded firmly, pressing his lips against her own once more.

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