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"See you finally got a decent haircut" Nat smirked as Steve walked into the compound a few weeks later. 

Helen had told him on a recent scan visit that the Avenger leader had been a little low, and he knew that his silence hadn't exactly helped matters. Now he'd wrapped his head around everything, processed that this was how the world was going to be from now on, he decided to pay a visit to his friend and see how she was. 

"The wife wasn't liking the whole look without a beard". He chuckled and set himself down on one of the chairs. 

"How is she?" Nat said, curling up on the one opposite and hugging a cushion close to her. 

"Not been too well lately, but she's slowly getting there. If anything I've been worse since...well..." he trailed off, not saying anymore. "You heard from Thor?" 

Nat shook her head. "Guy could be lying dead in a gutter for all I know. Last thing I heard was that he'd gone back to New Asgard". 

He nodded to himself and sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't call..."

"I assumed you'd forgotten how cell phones work" Nat laughed lightly. "It's ok, we all needed to deal with what's happened in our own way". 

"I know, but I still should have sent a text at least". 

Nat shrugged. "You have a wife to think about, technically you guys wanted to retire anyway - guess you kinda have". 

Steve smiled at her gently. "We kinda have someone else to think about now..." 

Her face changed. "Are you serious?" 

He nodded with a laugh. "She's three months gone". 

"Ok, you've just made my whole year". Nat got up and hugged him. "Oh my god, so Helen's treatment worked?" 

"Lizzie was taking medication while we were gone". 

Nat gave a squeal of excitement and sat herself back down. "How you feeling about it all?" 

Steve shook his head. "To be honest? Still trying to get my head around it. But then another part of me is already doubt in myself..."

"How so?" 

He looked at her sincerely. "If I couldn't protect the others? How am I supposed to protect my own kid?" 

"They're two completely different things". She said and noted his expression. "I know you of all people don't like the idea of bringing a kid into this world with how it is now, but protecting him or her? It's different than protecting your friends. The others were able to defend themselves but your child? They're gonna need you and they're gonna be lucky to have you and Mo. I'm sure your mix of old fashioned values are gonna be drummed into them". Nat paused, "How's she been?"

Steve sat back and made himself more comfortable. "Not too good, more nausea than anything. She's been a little tired but has been more energetic this week than she has been since we found out". 

"Whatcha hoping for?" 

"I don't care" He replied with a small smile, "As long and they've got ten fingers, ten toes and come out healthy then it's all we want

"Will you find out?" 

"Lizzie wants to find out. Helen's been giving her weekly scans just because we don't know whether the baby will be like us". 

Nat frowned. "Do you think it will?" 

He shrugged at this. "Guess we can only wait and find out. Baby's growing at a normal rate currently but that's not to say that things will stay the same". 

"Things will be fine. You just need to stay positive - plus this kid's gonna have the best Aunt" she now laughed just as Steve did at this. "If it's a girl you're calling her Natasha right?" 

"I'll certainly suggest it to the wife". Steve chuckled. "But how you doing? "

Nat was silent for a moment. "Just trying to live like the rest of us I suppose. Been a few natural disasters - we can't exactly stop those, just gotta them 'em play out". She sighed. "It's just been too quiet...geez I even miss Tony and his obnoxious attitude". 

"Not heard from him either then?" 

"Would you have after what we've gone through? Far as I know he's got married - was in the paper. That's all though. No Iron Man. Nothing..."

Steve didn't blame Tony for wanting to live a somewhat normal life now. He was doing it himself after all. There didn't seem to be a need for Captain America and Iron Man anymore. The Avengers that they did have were doing just fine. 

"Nat...you're always welcome to come stay with Lizzie and me - a break from here for a few days, you know how hospitable my wife is". 

Nat smiled and gave him a nod. "When we all stayed last time she made an incredible lasagne, think I could come for a slice of that". 

"She wouldn't say no, and neither would I - but you need a break. You know where we are if you wanna take up the offer". 

"I think I may just do that". 


It was late by the time Steve got back home, finding Mo already in bed and sleeping peacefully. As he brushed a kiss across her forehead she stirred and rolled over to him with a sleepy smile. "Thought you'd be staying there?" She said as she moved closer into him. 

"Couldn't leave my best girl here alone". He murmured and rested his hand lightly on her stomach. There was a slight bump showing now, and he gently rubbed it. "I told Nat..."

"How is she?" 

"Lonely, sure she's got Helen in the compound but they're in separate areas. I told her she could come stay for a few days if she wanted to. I just feel bad for not calling..." 

Mo put her hand on top of his. "And has Thor had the decency to?" She noted her husband's silence as a firm no. "Exactly. I will call her tomorrow and tell her that if she doesn't get her little arse over here to to stay then she will be having to fight an angry pregnant woman". 

He laughed and kissed her head. "She's not gonna say no to that. Told me she wanted your lasagne that you made last time". 

"Ah well that I can certainly do, even if it may make me feel ill at the sight of it". 

"Have you eaten anything today?" Steve now asked a little concerned. She nodded but he knew she was lying. "Lizzie...Helen said you need to keep your strength up". 

"Not hard considering what I am. I had some water, and a little bit of toast". 

"How little". 

"What are you the food police?" She grinned, "I had a slice of toast, happy?" 


Mo simply shrugged. "It will pass, Helen isn't concerned anyway". 

"No but I am. You need to eat - it's not going to do you or the baby any good if you're only having a little". 

"Steven, I do not need a lecture on eating for two, Helen says the nausea is likely to pass in a couple of weeks now we're kind of out of the danger zone." She saw his face. "Look, I will try to eat more ok? But with how I'm feeling just thinking about it at the moment? It's not good". 

He turned out the light and settled down with her. One arm wrapped protectively around just under her bump. "You do realise I'm only worried because I love you" He told her through the darkness. 

"I know" She replied quietly. "But you need to relax a little more darling. We'll be ok". 

"I'm not relaxing until our baby's here safe and sound". He'd been through some nerve wracking moments in his life, but this? This would be the biggest. 

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