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It was late night by the time that Mo arrived in Scotland, finding a secure landing site and then continuing her pursuit on foot.

It was one that led her to the train station, following the debris and destruction of smashed out shop windows and other parts of buildings along the streets. 

As she headed in, she saw Wanda by Vision who was on the ground and clearly injured. Immediately she was on her feet, hands summoning her powers within her. "I knew you'd come for us as well. It was only a matter of time..." 

"I'm not here for you". Mo replied, "I came to tell you that you guys need to get away from here, but it seems whoever wants Vision already beat me to it". 

Wanda shook her head slowly. "Why don't I believe you?" hands shooting magical blasts from them towards her. 

Mo held up her shield and blocked them, "Believe whatever the hell you like, you need to get Vision out of here and run - let me deal with whoever's after you". 

The red head didn't listen and took another shot at her. 

That was it. Mo launched her shield and sent it spinning towards Wanda, the weapon stopping straight in front of her before it began to glow red, Wanda controlling it's usage. 

"Shit..." Mo muttered, the shield now hurtling back towards her at a greater speed. She grabbed it with both hands, feet skidding backwards until she was almost off the adjacent platform. "Bloody kids! Why won't you listen to me! For heavens sakes just get out of here!"

It was too late though, because now two unknown 'things' if Mo could class them as that, came crashing through the glass roof, shards raining down. 

Midnight and Glaive. It had to be. Rhodey had sent her the information he had on them after Tony had FRIDAY run an identity check. Seems that he knew something was about to happen at least. 

She looked to Wanda who was already standing in front of Vision, ready to protect him at any given cost. 

"Go...I'll hold them off" She said with a small nod. "That's if they can handle it". Now stepping in front of Wanda and Vision. "To get to them you go through me". 

"As you wish, Captain",  Midnight replied, raising her spear and ready to launch it whilst Mo took up her position, poised and ready to fight. 

Something stopped them though as a passing train came rushing through the platform. It was like a shift in all senses, or a drastic change in the air if anyone else were to put it simply. Someone was standing on the opposite platform in the shadows. 

And that someone was watching them all...

Immediately the spear was launched and the shadowed person caught it skillfully, now emerging to show themselves. 


Mo's heart stopped. He looked tired, his suit torn and battered - no star adorning his chest anymore. His perfectly kept hair had now been replaced with longer dirty blonde locks.

And a beard...

That was the most surprising thing of all. Then again her husband had spent two years on the run. Of course he was going to look like hell - somehow he looked a hell of a lot more handsome to her though. 

The beard. It had to be. 

Another smash sounded as Sam came flying through, taking out Glaive. 

The fight was on, there was no time was no time for emotional reunions here. At least not yet anyway, and it didn't take long for both Midnight and Glaive to admit defeat and beam up to their waiting ship, the latter wounded from where Natasha had pierced him with the spear during the altercation. 

Mo watched silently from a little further away, as they saw that Vision and Wanda were ok, before Steve turned and looked at her. 

"Hello darling..."  she managed to say as she stared at him, almost in awe that he was actually here. 

He said nothing at first, and then walked quickly to her - grabbing her face and kissing her hard. "God I've missed you sweetheart". His words were hushed as she took his face in her hands and smiled. 

"Better late than never I suppose". 

"It's happened before, not something I'm willing to make a habit of". He smirked. "You look..." Steve couldn't even say anything that could sum up just how his wife looked. She had certainly changed, that was clear. Seeming more at ease with the world around her. "Beautiful, even more so than when I left you". 

Mo smirked, "And what is this I see?" running her fingers along his beard. 

"Gotta keep a low profile" He grinned and shrugged before turning to the others.

"What now Steve?" Sam asked, giving Mo an awkward wave - not wanting to interrupt. 

He looked at Mo, keeping a firm grasp of her hand and then back to the rest of them, only giving his friend one simple instruction. 


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