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They made their way to the area where the quinjet had landed, not too far from Mo's landing point. "I'll see you there".  She told them, causing Steve to frown quizzically. "I've my own ride". She grinned and then with a quick wink and salute, she was gone before he even had time to protest. 

His wife's confidence had returned and grown with her new found role. She had adapted rather well to the new world in his eyes. 

"Your wife is certainly a hell of a fighter, Captain". Vision said as Wanda helped him to sit down inside the quinjet. 

"Yeah...she's a ball breaker that's for sure". Steve smirked. 

Setting off, they took to the skies, making for the compound. The skies were clear thankfully with little standing in their way, that was until Sam's voice sounded with some urgency. "Steve...unidentified aircraft approaching at a hell of a quick speed!" 

Nat was already pressing buttons, ready to fire if she had to, the aircraft closing in before it flew past at greater speed, looping a few times in front of them. 

Steve smirked. "Now that's just showing off..."

"Wait...is that Mo?" 

"That's her alright. You might wanna catch up". 

Sam upped the speed until they were next to Mo's jet, the Carter woman now glancing over to the cockpit and grinning, before rolling the plane under theirs and appearing on the other side. "She used to do that back in the war?" 

"Not if she could help it". Steve chuckled. "She dodged more enemy fire than anything else". 

Nat had a small smile on her face, "Looks like she decided to learn to fly again". 

"She certainly wanted to get back in the air, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest".

They flew on, telling Rhodey that they were coming and arriving sometime later. Steve clocked his wife now exiting her own plane and went over to meet her. 

"And where did you learn all those acrobatics?" 

"I led the RAF in their flypast for the Queen's birthday celebrations, I decided while I was in England to get to grips with the planes of today and learnt a little more along the way". 

He nodded with a small smile. "Looks like you've been doing fine without me". 

"I had to take up a hobby while you were away, plus I didn't want to leave our home unattended. I wanted to fly again and I did. Now I go back and forth between the UK and US as I please, although for the last year I've been here". 

He kissed her hair. "I'm just glad you're safe".

"You know me, I get bored too easily if my feet are on the ground". She told him and they headed inside to meet with Rhodey. 

"Seems you found me more than I bargained for". Rhodey stated as they all walked in, greeting Steve with a hug and then proceeded to him that he looked like crap. 

Mo glanced over to the hologram of General Ross, who was looking furious at the sight of Steve in particular, and then watched her husband converse with him. It was clear that he was done playing by the rules and not even Ross was going to stop him from doing what he wanted to anymore. 

Once Rhodey had abruptly ended the call with Ross, Mo made her way over to Steve's side. "Bravo darling..." she applauded him quietly. 

"What we're dealing with is serious, I caught just a quick part of the conversation Nat's having with Banner and the others...Thanos, whoever he is, isn't going to stop until he has Vision's stone". 

"Are you saying he could be coming here?" 

Steve's face darkened. "It wouldn't surprise me". He now listened as Wanda was protesting against Vision's idea of removing the stone from his head. It would ultimately kill him, however he seemed determined that it was the right thing to do. 

"Is there anyway we can remove the stone and destroy it without killing Vision?" Mo asked. 

Her husband's brow was creased in thought. "Wakanda have technology, and they also have the reinforcements. Thanos will find us either way, but with their methods of defence we may be able to hold him off long enough". 

"Would T'Challa welcome us? I mean, after..." 

"I have sanctuary there. T'Challa just needs to be filled in on what's going on. He wouldn't turn us away". 

She nodded and then saw his look. "You do realise I'm coming right". 

"I wasn't going to stop you - we're gonna need you". 

"Good, because I'm going nowhere - I've got your back". 

It had been a long time since he'd heard her say those four words to him. Now it seemed they had yet another battle to fight, another obstacle to overcome. 

And it went by the name of Thanos. 

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