Maisie's birthday

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At Toon town, Maisie has her eyes covered with a blindfold*

Maisie: Why did you guys blindfold me?

Blitzo- It's a surprise sweetie..

Jenny giggles.

Arabella- I cant believe Im stuck as your guys party planner

Topper: We agree that you can help

Elektra-( Deadoanned ) I rather die than to plan a kid's party.....

Spewart playfully pouts: But I need you honey....

Elektra blusjes as her ears stick up

Rango hold Fluffy's hand*

Elektra- Okay but ONE time ! The reason I dont like party planning because its filled with ungrateful bastards of clients !

Tigs: Who?

Elektra- Anyone !

Spewarts kids looked at the food in disgust and started to cry

Spewart: Hey hey she didn't mean you kids, she meant other clients

Elektra- Honey. Theyre crying because they hate the chosen food

Spewart: Oh, there there kids, we'll get some better food for you

The babies cooed happily*

The animals at the secret garden are helping along with Crash and Eddie*

Arabella-( Sassily ) The garden is ready. Happy ?

Malikai: Yep *holds his toy* My little Mally wants to give you kisses

Arabella-( Gasped ) Weally ?!

Malikai: Yes really

Arabella- Yaaaaaaaaay ! But you better owe me something like Spewart with Elektra.

Malikai- Okay...

Blitzo and Jenny giggle as they lead Maisie

Maisie: What's the surprise daddy?

Blitzo- Okay , I think it's time Jenny...

Jenny-( Giggles ) Alright. Here we are Maisie...

Maisie unties the blindfold in the garden and everyone jumps out.


Maisie is amazed: Wow!!!

Blitzo-( Smiles ) Happy B-Day baby..

Blitzo kisses her cheek.

Time Skip....

The grownups watch as the kids have a good time

Elektra- You happy now ?

Spewart: Yep, and the kids have much better food now

Elektra- Thats good because no matter how much you pout ( Glares ) I am NEVER going to do this again !

Spewart holds her hand: You have my word honey

Elektra blushes and feels bad.

Elektra- Oh honey~

Elektra pressed her hand softly against his chest

Spewart smiles*

Elektra- Im sorry about earlier. I just hate it when it comes to.... Party planning.

Spewart: It's okay honey

Elektra gets an idea and pulls him to her and gives him a hot kiss

Spewart blushes red*

He then kisses hr back before the babies crawled over and glared aat him before Spewie babbles to Spewart 'No kissing Mommy !'

Spewart and Elektra giggled*

Maisie and her friends are dancing*

Ash pets Sibux: So your finally 18 Maise!

Foxita hip bumps him

Ash chuckles, Sibux plays with Elfilin*

Foxita- Aye , you better watch your stel then boy... And your back while you're at it...

Ash: Okay babe

Ash realizes she's now feeling prtoective and jealous and smirks

Ash dips her*

Foxita- Ay?!

Ash: Kiss me baby

Foxita- Oh my , alright~

Foxita kisses him.

Bash takes several pictures until he sees Cherry walking by

Bash: Hey girl, want to take a selfie?

Cherry- Hm ? Is that anyway to greet me ?~

Bash blushes: Sorry, selfie addiction

Cherry giggles and sexily flips her ears

Cherry- Since you asked~

Bash smiles*

Blitzo and Malikai watch.

Blitzo-(Tears up) My little girl's all growm up

Malikai: Yep, and no troubles today

Blitzo- Mhm...

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