Lunabella talks to Bill

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With Malikai and Bill....

Bill- Okay Mother... This is my wife Rosy

Lunabella: Nice to meet you

Rosy- Nice to meet you Ms. Li--Lunabella. And this is our children Jezebel and Loki

Lubabella looks and sees Jezebel holding Loki

Lunabella: Hello grandchildren

Jezebel- Grandma Lightness !

Jezebel hugs her

Lunabella hugs her*

Jezebel- I cant bieve we are actually meeting !

Lunabella chuckles

Bill- (Whispers to Malikai) You know you can still tell your sibs. Okay maybe NOT Morty but anyone else but Savy or Smarty

Malikai: Good idea, besides Morty blurts out secrets

Bill- Yeah so we cant have that.

Malikai nodded and left.

Jezebel- So grandma how did you ended up on Earth?!

Lunabella: I'm not sure how

In the heart of darkness , Darkness naps on his bed by himself...

In his dreams, he appears on a nice green valley with birds chirping and the sky is blue back when his home was nice

Darkness smiles*

???- Honey ?

Darkness looks and he sees Lightness with her long hair down ams her eyes as great as emeralds and wears her white dress with a pink amd like green ribbon on her stomach amd golden jewelry

Darkness: Lightness

Lightness- My love...

Darkness hugs her*

Lightness hugs him back before he looks at her

Darkness: I love you

Lightness- I love you too...

Lightness kisses his neck

????: Brother!!!

They see Void*

Lightness- Huh ?

Darkness: Brother?

Void: You took my love from me!!

Lightness lools at him afraid as Darkness shields her

Darkness: What are you talking about? I didn't take her, she loves me!

Void: She rejected my heart, you know what, if I can't have her, THEN NEITHER CAN YOU!!! *as a portal opened behind Lightness sucking her in*

Lightness- Ahh ! No , no please ! Darkness !!

Darkness: Lightness!

Void holds him back: She is no longer welcome here

Lightness- DARKNESS!!!!

Lightness is sucked in the hole and the hole disappeared*

Darkness: Noooooo!!!

Darkness then woke up*

Darkness wakes up and pants before he remembers how angry he was at Void for doing this to him.

Darkness has tears*

He looks at the picture of him and Lightness on their wedding day and one of their kids qhen they were young.

Darkness- Lightness.... My love.... I swear when that day comes I PROMISE I'll bring you back to me. And I will NEVER ever let anyone touch you again....

With Lunabella....

Lunabella is on the chair sadly thinking about Darkness

Lunabella: Poor honey, he's being miserable without me

Malikai- Im sorry this happened.

Bill: Everything's been going downhill since youvw been gonne Mom. God was the only one who had hope and remained good and still rules Heaven. I tried to take over with Weirdmageddon but I ended up dying one time , EnEmE tries to take over twice , God was married to Asherah , and EnEmE and Void now hate me...

Lunabella: Oh no!

Bill- Yeah... I also have a clone but he is in his dimension. And Void kidnapped my kids and called me a disgrace...

Lunabella: Oh dear

Bill- I'm not a disgrace... I did worse things than he did... All he did was mope around and lie to Dad about everything while my cousins make fun of me becaus theyre jealous

Lunabella hugs him: Of course your not a disgrace

Bill tears up again amd hugs her back.

Bill- Im sorry Ma... Im sorry I did all those terrible things... Destroying planets , innocent lives , trying to rule the galaxies...

Lunabella: I forgive you

Bill hugs her tight.

Malikai- Before he found out you were Lightness he had an emotional meltdown before and after he took his kods and called him all those names...

Lunabella: I don't know why he's doing this.

Malikai: We'll tell you next episode.

Lunabella: Okay.

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